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Family Celebrations for Valentine’s Day

Traditionally, Valentine’s Day has been a holiday for celebrating romantic love between sweethearts. Today, more and more people are choosing family celebrations to celebrate Valentine’s Day. This is especially popular for people who are single, or for couples who wish to include their children in the festivities.

Family Celebrations for Valentine's Day #LoveHallmarkCAPin
Hallmark Ceramic Heart Treat Dish

How To Celebrate Valentine’s Day As A Family

There are many ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day that can include the entire family!

Family date

Many couples set aside Valentine’s evening for a date night, leaving children with sitters or grandparents. Instead, the day can be used for a family date. Choose a destination that is agreeable to everyone. Include as many family members as would like to go. Places such as museums, aquariums, and theatres can be enjoyed even if the weather is cold.

Afterwards, a family dinner or lunch can be enjoyed in a leisurely fashion. Over the meal, all the adults can tell stories about falling in love with their partners, or stories about their first loves. If a family date day is scheduled early enough, it still leaves enough time for couples to enjoy a romantic dinner later in the evening.

Family Celebrations for Valentine's Day #LoveHallmarkCAPin

Love messages

Part of the joy of Valentine’s Day is choosing the right card for every special person. Hallmark Canada offers assorted Valentine’s Day Kids, Signature and Paper Wonder cards! They are certain to brighten someone’s day! The Hallmark Canada Paper Wonder cards can be found in Hallmark stores, but they are now also available at Walmart stores across Canada. Hallmark cards have been made available for over 100 years! They first offered Valentine’s Day cards in 1913 and began producing them in 1916.

Did you know that Approximately 145 million Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged industry-wide (not including packaged kids’ valentines for classroom exchanges), making Valentine’s Day the second-largest holiday for giving greetings cards!

Candy buffet

Today’s families are constantly on the go. Therefore, spending a day at home with just family may be more enjoyable. Decorate the living area with hearts, balloons, flowers and other Valentine’s Day decor. Set up a table with sweet treats and snacks in a Hallmark Ceramic Heart Treat Dish with a Valentine’s theme.

Family Celebrations for Valentine's DayPin
Hallmark Date Night In Cookbook.

Throughout the day, everyone can treat themselves to candy and cupcakes. You can also make your own Salted Peanut Toffee Popcorn found in the Hallmark Date Night In cookbook. This can be made even more fun if messages are written out ahead of time and hidden in or under the desserts. A mix of love songs (both romantic and upbeat) can be played in the background while family members play games or talk.

Family Celebrations for Valentine's Day #LoveHallmarkCAPin
Hallmark Canada the Story of Us Card Keeper

Family movie marathon

Another fun “at-home” way to celebrate Valentine’s is by watching, renting, or buying a selection of romantic films. Choose films that are appropriate for all members of the family. Even younger children will enjoy watching Disney movies with a romantic theme. Hallmark Channel also offers a variety of Valentine’s Day movies with more mature themes that can be saved for after younger children are in bed. The Story of Us Card Keeper will be showcased in the Hallmark Hall of Fame movie, The Story of Us, that can be viewed on the W Network! Check your local listings!

Family Celebrations for Valentine's Day #LoveHallmarkCAPin
Valentine’s Day Hallmark Stuffed Plush Animals and Mickey and Minnie Mouse itty bitty’s

Valentine surprises

Sometimes the holiday falls on a work or school day. This doesn’t have to limit the fun. Surprises, such as a balloons, boxes of candy or stuffed animals including Hallmark Canada Pet Husky Techno Plush Dog that moves its head, barks, yips, pants, howls and moves around to fun music, the adorable Pink Snoopy Stuffed Animal, the so-soft Caticorn Stuffed Plush, and the itty bittys Valentine Mickey Mouse or Minnie Mouse ; can be left where children can find them first thing in the morning.

For older children or teens, a piece of jewelry or a gift card would make a nice surprise. For the adults, make heart-shaped pancakes with homemade strawberry liqueur syrup for breakfast and include a Valentine’s Day card.

Family Celebrations for Valentine's Day #LoveHallmarkCAPin
Hallmark Paper Wonder Cards

Valentine party

A Valentine Day party for kids can be a great way to share the day with extended family. The event should be planned a few days in advance. Send homemade or store brought invitations to nearby relatives. The party can be sophisticated or as simple as desired, with decorations, snacks, treats, hot cocoa, desserts, and balloons. The atmosphere should be kept light and enjoyable for all.


For families with grown children, a Valentine’s tea party might make a better party theme. Rather than balloons and Cupids, heart-shaped pastries and tea can be the main attraction. Adults might enjoy Valentine’s Day place cards, soft music, and card games. Tarot, and other forms of love divination can be part of the events.

There are many way to organize family celebrations for Valentine’s Day! How do you celebrate Valentine’s Day with your family?

This post is sponsored by Hallmark Canada. Opinions are my own.

Lyne Proulx
Lyne Proulxhttps://ottawamommyclub.ca/
Lyne Proulx is a Certified WEBB Bodywork Pet Practitioner, Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI), Certified Professional Wedding Consultant, and an Event Planner. She loves all things Disney and is an avid teaholic and chocoholic. She coordinated the Annual Infant Information Day/Early Years Expo for the City of Ottawa for 8 years. She was the Queen B of the BConnected Conference, Canada's Digital Influencer and social media Conference in Ottawa and Toronto. She was also the co-chair of the Navan for Kraft Hockeyville 2009-2011 committee that organized five community events within 6 months, and helped Navan reach the top 10 finalists in Canada. In April 2011, she received the City of Ottawa Mayor's City Builder Award.

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  1. What I like best about Hallmark is all the cute unique items, I like their selection of cards both for through the year occasions and holidays!


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