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Be Earth Day Ready with DK Canada Books ~ Reviews

Earth Day is all but here! April 22nd is the day marked on our calendars to recognize our planet and to appreciate it. There are so many ways people can learn more about the earth and to celebrate the day. DK Canada wants to help families get Earth Day ready by sharing their selection of books that are all about our planet and what makes it so fantastic. They asked me to review three books from their Earth Day Boutique to see if my family could benefit from the information they would share with us.

DK Canada Embrace the Earth logo

Be Earth Day Ready

Below are the titles I chose from DK Canada to get my family ready for Earth Day:

DK Canada Earth Day Review Book Covers

Want to create a with your family this Earth Day? The Bee Book is a great way to get them in the spirit of the occasion by teaching them just about everything they wanted to know about these insightful insects. It shares details about different types of bees, ideas on attracting bees to your garden, tips to follow on becoming a beekeeper and lays out recipes to create numerous items to use for personal and home use.

DK Canada The Bee Book Book Cover

The section I was most interested in was “Attracting Bees.” My other half and I are getting our younger kids into wanting to improve the plight of the dropping bee population. We have started to grow flowers that will help to enhance their foraging opportunities. This title teaches readers what type of plants they should have in their yard, why growing flowers that are breed to look fabulous may not be the best for bees to visit and why flowers with a simple structure are best for attracting bees to your garden. We will put these tips into play when we start putting our garden together this year.

“Creating a Garden for Bees” pages from The Bee Book

Earth: The Definitive Visual Guide takes readers by the hand on a bright and educational adventure around our planet. This reference book touches on various topics about our planet, from land, weather, water, and the atmosphere. Earth also talks about some our world’s most important, unique and most dangerous features.

DK Canada Earth: The Definitive Visual Guide Book Cover

There was so much to take in and learn in Earth! The pictures and photos mixed with the details this book shared were fabulous. I spent many minutes admiring the details on each page. One area I absolutely loved was “Shelves and Plains” in the Oceans and Seas section of this book. I learned what makes up the continental margins off the coastlines of the land, why the abyssal plains are fascinating and how thick ocean sediments can be in certain parts of the ocean floor. This is a book I would not have trouble picking up to read over and over again.

“Shelves and Plains” pages from Earth: The Definitive Visual Guide book

Want your kids to learn more about the earth in a more interactive way? Utterly Amazing Earth is a fun book to introduce younger readers to what makes the world tick. Kids can crack open the cover to learn about water cycles, earthquakes, seasons and volcanoes. The best part about this book is that learning is helped along with the use of pop-ups, flaps and spinning diagrams that bring learning to life.

DK Canada Utterly Amazing Earth Book Cover

Though my younger daughter really enjoyed finding out what certain precious gems look like before they are polished, she got the best kick out of making a volcano erupt. She was so excited, she kept shouting “Kaboom!” while she pulled the tab to make the explosion happen. She then called her brother over to watch her make this event happen for about twenty minutes. The diagram for the water cycle also fascinated her and she learned more about this important this cycle is to our planet. Both of my little ones are now huge fans of this title and have fun reading it.

L: Utterly Amazing Earth “Volcano” page; R: Children reading a book on a couch

These are only a few of the awesome titles families can find to get ready for Earth Day. Want to find more titles from DK Canada? Visit them on their website, and connect with them on their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest pages for more ideas!

To read more DK Canada book reviews, click HERE!

Disclaimer: I received products from DK Canada in order to write this review. The views I share are my own.



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  1. I am most interested in “The Bee Book”, my granddaughters and I are planting Bee friendly flowers in our garden this spring/summer. I am also very concerned in the decline of Bees, it would be tragic if they were to disappear.

  2. The Utterly Amazing Earth looks like a great book for Earth Day as it not only covers our country but other countries too. The interactive pages would add interest and be a great learning tool that is fun for all ages.

  3. I am teaching y grand daughter about how important bees are to keeping our food chain vibrant,so I would choose The Bee Book

  4. These are all absolutely fascinating books that I’d love to read. I think that the Bee book would be really appropriate especially to read to my grandchildren so that they too learn how invaluable bees are for our food supply.

  5. DK BOOKS are amazing!! For me, earth day is every day with recycling in the house and at work. PLUS I dont kill the dandelions as those are the 1st food for bees

  6. I think Earth: The Definitive Visual Guide would help us really understand the Earth we are trying so hard to protect

  7. I would love to share the Utterly Amazing Earth with my daughter for Earth Day! She is inquisitive and loves learning the details of the world around us. I am happy that she has an interest in figuring out the why’s and where’s and how’s of this planet and the life on it. She would be very excited about the extra features of pop-ups and flaps, and I know she’s insist on taking it to school to show her classmates. She is an Earth Ranger and has been participating in challenges to protect the earth and humans and animals.


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