When summer gets here most people have vacations on their minds! Having a vacation is getting tricky as costs increase and wages decrease. Is it possible to have a family vacation without going over your budget? Summertime can still be fun even on the tightest of budgets, but you just have to be a little creative!
Family Vacation Summer Fun Tips
Plan Ahead
The easiest way to have fun during the summer and stay within your budget is to plan ahead for the summer. With careful planning you can enjoy the summer and relax without worry. The kids are going to be out of school and you want to make sure they are entertained. You also want to keep them from wasting the entire summer inside!
Stay home
If you are not traveling this summer and decide to stay home, you can still have a fun family staycation. You’ll just be having it in the backyard! Pitch some tents (check the weather forecast first) and make your vacation a week of camping in the backyard. It’s cheap and it can be fun; however, you’ll need to do a couple of things to prepare!
Setting up the tents is only part of the process of vacationing at home. You’re going to want to avoid leaving your “vacation”, so you have to be sure that you purchased everything you need before hand. You can grill out and store your food in a cooler for a realistic camping experience. You might want to go inside to take a bath, but you can still sleep in the tents outside. During the day, you can do family activities such as board games, ball games, or just spending time together. It’s one of the most inexpensive vacations that you will ever enjoy with the entire family.
The Beach
If you live within driving distance of a beach, you can plan to spend a day there. If you plan far enough in advance you can book a room at a discounted rate and spend one night in luxury to extend your vacation. You will want to pack everything that you will need for your trip to the beach to avoid having to stop and purchase the items. Not only could the items cost more than they do at home but you will be taking time out of your vacation.
It is possible to have summertime fun while staying within your budget. You have to remember to set your budget first. The budget has to include saving to ensure that you don’t go over budget when taking your family vacation. The kids will be occupied and you’ll have fun too!
I was in Europe in April so summer is a staycation for me. Some very good ideas here, even a staycation needs planning for it to be a success.
Kids love to camp out in the back yard and roast marshmallows.
Qui0te the few excellent suggestions here, we tend to go to the beach, garden, and some road trips if it’s not too hot.
Its a lot of fun to camp in the back yard
I love a good staycation. It can be a great opportunity to make some memories while saving money.
You’ve got great tips and as a kid one of my favorite places to go was the beach