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Still Losing the “Baby Weight”…Sort of

Mary and Mommy post-race (Perth Kilt Run 2012) Photo by Jon BallPin
Mary and Mommy post-race (Perth Kilt Run 2012)
Photo by Jon Ball

I have never been a devotee of New Year’s resolutions, but I am finding myself making one this year. I have to lose this baby weight. And by “baby weight” – I mean “lazy weight” in my case.

Before I had Mary, I think it would be accurate to say I was a gym rat, going to weight and spin classes, running, you name it – five to six days a week. While I was pregnant with her, I continued with prenatal yoga, but we had a pregnancy scare about mid-way, and I became scared to continue working out. And the weight piled on (full disclosure: I was also known to walk off on my lunch break at work in search of cupcakes).

However, just about six months after my daughter was born, I ran the 8K Perth Kilt Run with my sister-in-law. I had a goal and a partner keeping me motivated and on task, so I kept with my training and ran the race in a good time. I was also by then just 10 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. So I’d lost about 43 pounds!

I remember thinking to myself, “that wasn’t too bad”, I’ll take a bit of a break from working out now. And that break lasted about 1.5 years! And I am now 30 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. I lost all of my progress.

So this year, I am making a resolution and making it public to keep me honest. I don’t care about having a six pack, but my two year old deserves a healthy and energetic mommy – and I haven’t been too energetic in awhile!

For those of you that have managed to maintain a work out routine, how do you organize yourselves? When I was training for the race, I was starting my workouts each night at 8pm after Mary fell asleep – but that’s not very sustainable for me as I get up at 5 am for work and the later night work outs keep me wired until nearly midnight.

There is a new fitness facility being built right near my house, with a swimming pool, women’s only gyms, squash courts and a running track. My old gym rat self is coming out of the woodwork as I salivate over their website and wait for opening day. But after a long day working outside the home, I feel bad about leaving Mary to go to the gym. This particular gym has a childcare facility, but part of my problem with ditching working out is that what time I have at home, I feel should be spent with her.

I’ve tried doing work out videos with her nearby, as friends have suggested, but Mary didn’t find the situation fun. And wasn’t afraid to tell me so.

So how should I try to fulfill my goal of getting back in shape? Should I get my husband to help entertain her while I use our home equipment? Or should I shell out the money (very against my nature) for the fancy new fitness centre?

How are you all approaching Mommy’s health and fitness?

And oh yeah, I am running this year’s Perth Kilt Run…come and cheer me on June 21st!

First race post-childbirth - a fun day but happy to be done :) Photo by Jon BallPin
First race post-childbirth – a fun day but happy to be done 🙂
Photo by Jon Ball

I Tell Stories
I Tell Storieshttp://samanthaball.ca/
Samantha lives in Stittsville with her husband, Jon, and their daughter, Mary. Samantha works full-time for the federal government and also enjoys writing part-time, including as a writer for Ottawa Parenting Times Magazine. Feel free to check out her website – samanthaball.ca and follow her on Twitter @I_Tell_Stories

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  1. Thanks for writing this, I totally understand your point.
    Being a single parent of a preschooler my time is limited as well.
    I train during my lunch hours, I am thankfully to have a shower facility near my work. During the spring/summer/fall I “throw” my son in a jogging stroller with a snack and some cars and we run together.
    We try to run a charity event from May – Oct, this helps with the motivation and helps to teach my son some great values!
    Good luck in your training .. and see you in June!

  2. First off – good luck with the run you are training for – I sign up for 2-4 a year to benchmark my fitness levels too.

    And best of luck with your resolution – last year my resolution was to lose my “baby weight” too. And I did – and so far have managed to keep most of it off.

    As far as planning exercise with kids – it’s tough. I have a gym with a playcare I go to – not the same as running outside (I treadmill and do boot camp classes) – but better than nothing. So my two girls get to play while I work out – it works well for this life stage.

    Good luck!

  3. I hear you! I was quickly losing the baby weight while on mat leave, but as soon as I went back to work and sat down all day it started coming back on. I am now 20 pounds up from my pre-baby weight as well. I finally went back to the gym, and I go at lunch (chose the gym very close to my work) and sometimes Saturday mornings. Lunch is a rush, but it doesn’t take away from family time (or have me working out at 9 pm when I would just rather sleep, or you know, TALK to my husband lol). Saturday mornings my 23 month old has Daddy time or I take her the childcare at the gym. I also play ringette once a week and try and be as active as I can. It’s only been a month or so but I am feeling positive! I am also going to see a dietician. I want to try for baby #2 soon so I want this weight gone! Good luck!

  4. Good for you for getting back on the wagon with the healthy goal of being more energetic! It’s hard for me to suggest home workout vs. fitness membership. Myself, I find that both are effective, although sometimes I get in a mood whether it is more difficult for me to motivate myself to do one or the other.


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