Valentine’s Day is the official love day. It is a perfect time to spread a little love and happiness to everyone, not just a significant other. Everyone wants to feel cared about. What better time to spread love around and make others feel good than on the officially designated love day. How can you spread love on Valentine’s Day?
How to surprise someone on valentine’s day
Maybe a coworker or a close friend is unattached and feeling slighted in the midst of others who might potentially be receiving flowers and candy. Send him/her flowers, or leave a heart-shaped box of candy on her/his desk with a note signed, “your secret admirer”. Send a gaily-decorated Valentine card through the mail to a neighbour who lives alone and sign it “Anonymous”. There are myriad ways to lighten another’s heart and brighten their life on Valentine’s Day.
Spread some love
Invite someone who has recently ended a relationship and is going to be spending the day alone to join you for dinner, a movie, or simply to chat. Make or buy or mini boxes of chocolates and pass them out to the people who provide a service; the mailman, hairdresser, carry out person at the supermarket, etc.. Spreading love that way will fill your own heart with loving feelings.
Words of love on valentine’s day
If someone has inspired you and made a difference in your life, write a note of appreciation on a Valentine card. Teachers, mentors, spiritual leaders, parents, and grandparents all fall into this category and are sometimes taken for granted. Use Valentine’s Day as the perfect opportunity to put into words the deeply felt gratitude not always expressed. You can also write love poems for Valentine’s Day!
Be crafty
Get in touch with your inner child and make lavish homemade valentines for everyone close to you. Stock up on lace trim, candy hearts, glitter and glue, and have you child help you and then take him/her out for a treat.
Give of yourself
Volunteer at a nursing home, soup kitchen, food bank, or some other venue where you can share loving feelings and make a difference. There are so many people in the world that have no one to lavish love on them on Valentine’s Day or any other time of the year. Make a commitment to extend the love beyond the day and sign up as an ongoing, regular volunteer.
Be verbal
Don’t hesitate to say the three powerful little words, I love you, to the people closest to you, and back up your words with loving behaviour. Valentines’ Day truly is the ideal time to wear your heart on your sleeve. And don’t forget to show self-love on Valentine’s day!
Maybe there is no special someone in your life at the moment, but don’t let that keep you from spreading love around and making others feel special. Love is contagious; while you are busy sending love on Valentine’s Day, you are apt to experience the pleasure of loving feelings welling up in your own heart too!
These are awesome ideas to spread love on valentines day