Although the history about Valentine’s Day is not clear, it has become just one of the most well-liked season amongst enthusiasts and also florists. The typical icons of Valentines Day in this period are cupids, the heart, rose bushes, cuddly teddy bears, as well as words and phrases of affection. Children swap valentine greeting cards designed with the latest witty and animated icons whilst adults carried on with the custom of card presenting which can make the day after Christmas time; to be the next biggest card sending vacation of the twelve months.

Historical Past of Valentine’s Day
An additional edition of the historical past of Valentines Day explained that Valentine felt affection for his prisoner’s daughter and prior to his loss of life he sent her a letter and signed it with the phrase from your Valentine. There was an aura of romantic endeavours surrounded his death and people who knew about it put out the story.
By the seventeenth century, it became the custom for young companions to swap little keepsakes and hand written intimate notes with each other. By the eighteenth century, greeting cards started to be commercially created only for the festival. And, by the mid-section of the nineteenth century, merchants began to provide unique tokens for young males to offer to the women they were dating.
True History of Valentine’s Day
If someone was to look back into the traditional records of the Catholic Church, they will discover that the true history of Valentine’s Day centres around the time when a saint named Valentine was martyred because of his religious beliefs. Evidently, he was mortally wounded when he dared to disobey the Roman Ruler Claudius II, and carried out covert marriages for young companions.
Other records declared that Saint Valentine was slain when he assisted Christian believers to get away from the control of Roman interrogators who were afflicting and eliminating prisoners. An additional intriguing thing to be aware of about the historical past of Valentines Day is that the Catholic Church really identified 11 various saints called Valentine, and 3 of them revealed that February the 14th was their day of recognition.

Despite the fact that the past events on the history of Valentines Day is not always as intimate as we are directed to think, the truth remains that it has turned out to be the single most well-liked, as well as commercially lucrative, season ever in this world today.
what a cool read! i for one dont really care for Valentine’s day. my hubby and I dont do anything special or celebrate it really anymore because it is like any day to us
We don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day either, it just seems to have gotten too commercialized
In all honesty, I am not keen about Valentine’s Day in general. I find it to be exclusive and non-inclusive. And I do not like the commercialization of it. But to each their own!
Thank you for sharing the history about Valentine’s Day. I know my kids love celebrating the day at school. It will be interesting to see if they are allowed to pass out Valentine’s this year.
My pleasure! Not sure about this either…..
It is interesting to read about the history of valentines day