Mommy’s time out! I was stumped on what to talk about this month, so I asked myself, “What would be a great topic to speak about?”, and within seconds of my tweet the trend of responses was: “Making time for myself”. You will find below ideas for making time for you mom!
So, let me get started in telling you on a personal level about my “Mommy Time Out”. I put the question out there on Facebook and asked, ”What do you do when you have Mommy Free time… free from everything and have “ME” time?” and I got loads of responses from working out, taking a bath, reading, pedicure/spa treatments, getaways, get out with friends, shopping, a glass of vino and tv, sleep, and listening to music, but the biggest surprise of them all was when I got a lot of answers that said “What Me time”, so if you’re one of the Moms who said what is Mommy time, well this is what I’m going to tell you!

Mommy Time Out
After having 2 boys only 17 months apart and being a work at home mom, I personally need “Mommy time Out”. We are all Moms and need that time out from time to time. When my boys where younger, I joined a “Mom & Baby” play group. That was great and I have met some wonderful women from a few play-groups. What I do now is host a few Mom’s Night In or Out. Have you been to a MNI/MNO? They are a fun way to make time for yourself. If you have made friends along the way, here’s a great list of things to do for MNI/MNO.
These are things I have done personally and still do with my girlfriends. (**they don’t have to be Moms either to enjoy**)
- Host Come Dine With Me: (You get 4 or 6 of your closest girlfriends) and each take a turn hosting “Come Dine with Me”. You can plan a theme (ex: Mexican, Indian, Italian, French, Greek). Sky’s the limit, so have fun with it! We do this every 3 months, and it’s fun. We did start off playing for 20$ each and a winner takes home the cash, but we could not just vote for 1 person as we all had great dishes…
- Pj’s and Movie Oh My! I have done this a few time it’s great for winter nights. You get a few of girlfriends over for a movie night, treats, and laughs, while the kids are in bed sleeping. Your hubby is home making sure that if the child(ren) do wake you, you don’t have to worry. Fun fun fun!
- Spa Nights, where you do pedicures, manicure, facials and have a great fun, night with other girlfriends. I just hosted my “Mom’s Night In” Spa night, so here are some photos of the “food table”.
Here is just a quick list of things you can do with your girlfriends. Feel free to comment below if you have any that you would like to share:
- Glow in the Dark Mini Putt
- Girls Night Out at a Restaurant or patio
- Spa day
- Book Club … If you like to read, why not read the book and then get together and talk about it?!
- Tinis and Toes (Drink Martinis and do a pedicure!)
- Mom’s Night In: Totally 80′s Movie(s)
- Bunco Game Night (click here to watch video)
- Cravings and Conversation
- Fondue Night
- Video Games Night
- Murder Mystery Cocktail Party
- Wine & Cheese
- Camping for the Weekend

Making Time for You MOM
Sure, I talked about Mom’s Night In/Out so lets talk about Mommy’s time to get away from it all (Me, Myself & I). I told you what I do to have a wonderful night out with my girlfriends; however, I always need that 30 minutes to 1 hour time for myself, and I only do MNI or MNO once or twice a month depending on what’s going on. A few moms where right on the money with what they do in their free time:
- Read a book
- Take a bubble bath
- Have a glass of vino
- Do your own pedicure or manicure (or go to the spa)
- Hit the gym (this is something I need to do, but require a partner in crime)
- Catch up on your favourite TV show or movie
- Go for a walk
- Play video games
- Play on the computer
- Knitt do crafts and things that you love to do like hobbies
- Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee
- Go have quiet time at the coffee shop with a good book and drink
- Scrapbooking
- Getting your hair done
- Going to the library
- Sleep
- Hot Yoga
- Write blog posts
- Taking photos
I’m hoping that this list of things to do have inspired you to take much-needed time for yourself. Everyone needs time to themselves at least 15 minutes, 1 hour, a day, or two days. Regardless of the time that you do get, what matters most is you take the time that you do get and make it special for yourself; be it a much-needed coffee break, a walk outside or a full on body work-out. You will notice a change in how you feel!
I have learned over the past 4 years that having children in your life will never be the same nor should it be; however, life with kids does not mean your “Me” time is gone. You can find time, make time for everyone else and everything else in your life, so why not do it for You! I wrote this for everyone, and I hope you enjoy some or all of these suggestions. If you have other suggestions, please feel free to comment below and let me know what you do and share with other Moms.

Enjoy your Mommy’s Time Out! I did write this blog post for you!
I like having a hobby it clears the mind