Having a small yard or garden area doesn’t mean that the garden can’t be productive and look well. Most people these days live in apartments or small homes with limited space for planting a garden. Some people have just a patio or porch with no soil at all, but this should not limit one from growing plants. So how do you make the most of a small garden? See our gardening tips below!

Tips On Making The Most Of A Small Garden
Pots are a simple way to expand a small yard or garden. Some yards have pavement or concrete, limiting space. Using pots allows for planting in an area where using soil isn’t an option. They are simple to move around from place to place, allowing their location to be changed. They can be filled with potting soil for growing plants where the soil is in poor condition, or where soil is not available.
Hanging Baskets
Hanging baskets are great for small areas because they can be hung anywhere. They can be hung from eaves on a house or they can be hung from the branches of trees. A stand can be made or bought that will hold several of these basket in a very small area. These are good to hold flowers and vegetables and they can be planted on the bottoms of the hanging planters facing down, as well. They are easy to water, and with peat moss lining the bottom of the planter, it will hold water well.

Pole Gardens
There are many types of plants that are available and will grow on pole gardens. To make a pole garden you simply locate a three foot by three foot area in the yard. Then, dig a hole about two feet deep in the center of the area. Next, stand a 2X4 or a 3/4 inch pipe up in the hole and cover it with dirt. After that is done, tie several cotton lines from the top and stake them to the ground in a circular pattern around the pipe or pole. Plant seeds at the base of the lines and the vines will grow up the lines. With this method plants such as climbing cucumbers, flowers, squash, beans, and even some types of spinach can easily be grown.
Tiered Planters
Tiered planters look like pyramids with different levels and each level allows for planting several plants. Several different types of plants can be grown in one of these planters at the same time. They are excellent for small areas and can be located on sidewalks or patios. Rollers can be placed on the bottom and they can then be easily moved.
Abundant Garden Plants
Plants that are abundant producers will benefit a garden with limited space. The leaf lettuces are practical because the individual leaves can be picked and more will grow in its place. Greens are good as well as Swiss chard, mustard, and spinach. Like the lettuce, a few leaves can be picked at a time and more will grow.
Radishes are easy to grow and quick to mature, and give a quick, replenishable vegetable that adds spice to salads. The small tomatoes like Cherry and Roma are excellent producers and are great in hanging baskets. Zucchini and Yellow Crookneck squash grow well and supply a bountiful supply of tasty vegetables.

All the methods above are excellent for helping to grow small gardens where little space is available. Each method could be used individually to create a uniform style garden or a combination could be used to make a nice garden with a less uniform style. A good idea is to plan the garden first by looking at the area that is available and then determine what method fits for the plants that are desired.
I love this! I didn’t even think about a “pole garden” and our 5 year old loves to grow things so this is perfect!