If you decide to be a hippie for Halloween, making a DIY hippie costume is fun, inexpensive, and allows you to express your personality and creativity. My ideas can work for either a hippie couple costume, a hippie girl costume, a hippie boy costume, a hippie man or woman costume. Tie-dye T-shirt, homemade bell-bottom hippie jeans, pins, a headband, and other accessories will complete this homemade hippie costume! Learn How To Make A Hippie Costume For Halloween with our simple and easy tips!

Tie-dye T-shirts were big in the 60s, and they’ve made a comeback in recent years. You’ve probably got one around the house. If not, look at second-hand stores or make your own. Simply buy a tie-dye kit, an inexpensive white T-shirt, and follow the directions. You’ll not only have something to wear with your hippie Halloween costume, but also a cool (or should I say “groovy”) shirt to add to your wardrobe. You can also watch the video below on how to tie-dye your hippie shirts 4 different ways!

If you have a bit of sewing ability (and access to a sewing machine), you can transform an old pair of jeans into hippie bell bottoms.
- A pair of old jeans (hip hugger jeans, either straight-leg or with a flare)
- About 1/4 yard of the fabric of your choice
- Scissors
- Measuring tape
- Seam ripper
- Sewing machine
- Start with a pair of hip hugger jeans, either straight-leg or with a flare (Skinny jeans will not work as well.) Take out the seams on the sides of the legs, starting at the bottom and going up about nine inches with a seam ripper.
- Reinforce the end of the seam by machine sewing over it. The raw edges should be already pressed to the inside of the jeans; if yours aren’t, press them with a hot steam iron.
- Next, cut four triangles out of print fabric (the wilder the pattern, the better). Your triangles should be symmetrical, at least 8 inches at the base (more if you’re starting with straight-leg jeans) and about 9 ½ inches tall. If possible, cut your fabric, so the selvage (finished end) is on the bottom of the triangle. If that isn’t possible, cut your triangle about 10 inches tall and sew a small hem on the bottom.
- Next, spread out one seam to form a triangle and place over a piece of fabric, print side up. Baste or pin into place; then top stitch. Do this for all four sides.
If all this is just too much sewing for you, simply find a pair of jeans with as much flare as possible. Check second-hand stores if you can’t find any old jeans that work.

Now you are ready to paint designs on your jeans. For inspiration, do an internet search on “hippie symbols.” Peace signs, simple flowers, and smiley faces all work well. Hippies also liked words like LOVE, PEACE, or FLOWER POWER written in bubble letters. Using acrylic paints and a black permanent marker for outlining, paint several designs on the front of the jeans. To make perfect circles for your peace signs and smiley faces, use a pill cap as a pattern. Let your jeans dry thoroughly before wearing them. (Acrylic craft paint only takes a few minutes to dry.)
Make your own hippie pins. Do an internet search for “hippie symbols,” “peace sign,” “flower power,” or “smiley” and print out several designs in an appropriate size, preferably on card stock, and cut them out. If possible, laminate your pins. If you don’t have access to a laminator, glue them onto a piece of cardboard and cover with clear contact paper. Then simply tape a safety pin to the back. If you don’t want to make your own pins, you can always purchase custom enamel pins.

Both male and female hippies liked to wear lots of jewelry. Look for long beads, macramé jewelry, and pendants in your jewelry collection or at a second-hand store. You may be able to find an inexpensive peace sign pendant or other hippie symbol pendant at a costume supply store. If not, make your own wired jewelry, using the same technique you used to make the pins, but instead of putting a safety pin on the back, punch a hole in the top and string it on a long, thick piece of string.
If you are not blessed with long, straight hair, you will want to invest in a wig. You can find hippie wigs at a costume supply store or even at a second-hand store. Remember, both men and women had long hair in the 1960s. For fun, choose a colour different from your own.
For a headband, fold a bandana into a headband shape, or cut a long piece of fabric and tie it around your head.
Hippies wore round wire-rim glasses. Ask your friends if they have any old glasses that fit the bill, or look at second-hand stores. To keep from getting a headache from wearing the wrong prescription, simply take out the lenses. (Look for tiny screws that allow you to loosen the lenses.) You may also be able to find hippie sunglasses at a costume supply store.
To show off your jeans, you will want to tuck your T-shirt in. Use a macramé or braided belt, if possible, or simply cut a long piece of fabric to use as a belt.

For footwear, use earthy-looking sandals or go barefoot, if the weather allows. Hippies rarely wore makeup, instead preferring the natural look. For an extra touch, add some tattoos. Look at costume supply stores for hippie themed temporary tattoos, or simply draw your own. To complete the hippie persona, make the peace sign (with both fingers pointing up, not sideways) and say things like, “Groovy,” “Far out,” or “outta sight.”
Now that you know how to make a hippie costume for Halloween, make one for every family member! If you are looking for more halloween costume ideas, check out our 20 DIY Magical Disney Costumes for Kids and Adults!
Great inexpensive idea for Halloween thanks for the ideas.
I wonder if Halloween will be cancelled this year. My kids look forward to it all year round
Thanks for sharing, these are all awesome costume ideas.
These are great costumes, they’re easy to make and would be fun as well.
This is a cool idea and you can also check out the Goodwill stores for some vintage clothing!