Home » Travel » Indoor Skydiving Experience at iFly Toronto (Review)

Indoor Skydiving Experience at iFly Toronto (Review)

On a recent press trip to Toronto with my daughter, one of the activities scheduled was a visit to iFly Toronto! Since I have back problems, I decide to forfeit the experience, but my daughter did have a blast. You will find below our review of the Indoor Skydiving Experience at iFly Toronto was!

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Experience at iFly Toronto Thrilling Indoor SkydivingiFly Toronto is an indoor skydiving school that offers lessons, team building events, a Bodyflight Academy, and birthday parties. In the flight chamber, you live the experience of your first simulated freefall parachute jump. It is a extremely safe and indoor skydiving is accessible to everyone starting at 4 years old. The best part is that you don’t require any previous flying experience!

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My daughter mentioned that she didn’t not have the impression that she was flying, but more like floating. You are actually lifted by the air flow in the flight chamber. The most difficult step is to stay in a stable position as this allows you to move around the vertical wind tunnel. By moving your hands, arms or legs slightly, it can change your body position from stable and floating to belly flat or sideways on the floor of the chamber. Her entire flying experience was 1 minute twice, but we were at iFly Toronto for 2 hours to register, take part in the in-class training with Q & A, fly with our group, and a review session with the instructor.

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The staff and the instructor were extremely courteous, friendly and knowledgeable. They made the experience amazingly enjoyable and memorable! To remember your time spent at iFly Toronto to the fullest, you can purchase photos and/or a video of your experience in the flight chamber!

Everyone in good health can enjoy indoor skydiving, buy you should follow these flying criteria before booking your package:

  • You have checked with your doctor first if you have a history of heart, neck or back problems.
  • You weigh under 230 lbs, or 104 kg. (If your weight exceeds 230 lbs, visit their 230+ Package section.)
  • You are not pregnant.
  • You have never had a dislocated shoulder. If you have, you need to contact them.
  • You are not under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.
  • You are not wearing a cast.
  • Your participating child is more than four (4) years old and able to wear a properly fitting safety helmet.
  • If you are 18 years of age or older, you have read, understood and signed the Participant Undertaking and Risk Acceptance Statement.
  • If you are under 18 years of age, you must be accompanied by your parent or guardian to complete your registration.
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They supply a fly suit and all the necessary equipment, including safety goggles (which allow you to wear your glasses or contact lenses), a helmet, and earplugs. They recommend that you wear:

  • A t-shirt with no collar (Not a polo type shirt)
  • Athletic pants or shorts
  • Socks
  • Running shoes with laces
  • If you have long hair, bring an elastic to tie your hair

Packages include:

  • In-class training with an instructor
  • All the necessary equipment for flying
  • Question and observation period
  • 2, 4 or 10 flights per person, the equivalent of the free-fall portion of 2,4 or 10 skydives
  • A review session with your instructor
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Overall, my daughter thought it was one of the most thrilling and fantastic experiences she’s ever lived. The adrenaline-filled rush of flying without having to jump out of a moving airplane and use a parachute was truly unforgettable. It was entirely safe, and the instructor was incredibly helpful to guide you into a better flying position and to realign your body if you were out of place. Even the slightest movement could alter the way you flew. Bending your legs too much could send you flying downwards instead! Flying upwards, however, was riveting! For the thrill seekers and the ones who would never consider parachuting, iFly is definitely an experience of a lifetime! Who wouldn’t want to (safely) conquer gravity?