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Activities For Toddlers To Do With Parents

Toddlers can wear parents out quicker than sprinting around the block. Parents need to build a repertoire of fun, everyday activities for toddlers to do and keep everyone happy and sane. Parents can plan activities for toddlers to do that will fill a day smoothly to make mom or dad and baby happy. Use these tips for parents to fully enjoy the magic of raising a toddler!

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Outings With Toddlers

There are only a few activities for toddlers to do more fun than going to the park. There are many benefits of outdoor play for toddlers. Toddlers have an innate need to run and climb. Find a local park with safe, appropriate activities for toddlers. Jungle gym type playgrounds with high, open areas are not for toddlers. Look for play areas dedicated to activities for toddlers. Most parks will have the intended age group of each play area posted.

Toddler Time at Library

Library storytimes make fun and educational activities for toddlers to do. Children love the books and many story times feature songs with steps and finger play for toddlers to do with mom. Look for a library that offers story times specifically for toddlers.

Toddler Playgroups

Toddlers benefit greatly from outings with other small children. Socializing with other small people from an early age is crucial, to learn the importance of social skills with peers and satisfy the need that all children have to visit with others close to their age and form friendships. Look for toddler playgroups.

Local playgroups can be found through newspapers, online, churches and other public gathering places such as libraries. One of the great things about becoming involved with playgroups is the combining of ideas for activities with toddlers from many parents. What one mom or dad doesn’t know about, another parent will. Also, sharing of child raising tips for parents is very helpful.

Just as a toddler needs to hone social skills and form friendships, so do parents. A mom or dad who stays home with a toddler all day can benefit beyond measure by creating a supportive network of mom or dad friends through playgroups. Activities for toddlers are exponentially more fun for everyone when shared.

Rainy Days Activities for Toddlers

Games, puzzles, dancing, playing instruments, and crafts can be fun activities to do with toddlers on a rainy day. These simple activities for toddlers to do at home will fill your days with love and laughter.

Games for Toddlers

Games for toddlers are easy, as they usually require few or no materials and can be played anywhere. Blowing bubbles for a toddler is a fantastic way to enjoy a nice rainy indoors. Encourage the toddler to see how many bubbles he or she can catch. This is usually an activity that mom tires of before the toddler! Puzzles make great activities for toddlers. Choose easy, chunky puzzles with few pieces to avoid frustration.

Toddler Music and Movement

Dancing is always a fun activity for toddlers to do with mom or dad. Recorded music can be used or toddlers and parents can sing and clap together to make their own music. Toddlers also adore musical instruments made for small children. Shakers, tambourines and small drums are terrific to have on hand.

Children enjoy listening to the varied sounds of different instruments. The toddler years are the perfect time to begin instilling an appreciation for music in a child. While the child shakes a tambourine or listens to music, encourage him or her to jump, roll, squat and twist along with the rhythm. This is as much fun for mom to watch as it is for the toddler to do.

Activities For Toddlers To Do Pin

Toddler Arts and Crafts

Other great activities for toddlers to do are arts and crafts. Yes, this is messy, so be sure there is plenty of time to complete the activity plus the clean-up. However, art is important for toddler development. Art activities for toddlers help nurture self-esteem, develop fine motor skills and are just plain fun for children of any age.

Finger painting and handprints with edible materials is super fun for a toddler. Peanut butter, pudding, yogurt and coloured applesauce (like blueberry or strawberry) can be used. Be creative. Look in the pantry and fridge to find all kinds of things that can be used for this purpose. Mom and dad can paint, too!

Art activities for toddlers can also include bathtub crayons, tub paints, and foam soap, and supervised crayoning on paper (loose crayon pieces are a choking hazard).

Reading Books to Toddlers

Besides parental love, there is absolutely nothing more beneficial for a parent to give a child than a love of reading. Read a variety of books with your toddler every day. Toddlers love books with flaps they can lift and textured surfaces to feel. Try to branch out of baby board books as well and include picture books for preschoolers.

The best activities for toddlers to do with parents include to join toddler playgroups, play games, and read books to toddlers to make every day a good day. Among the best of tips for parents is to simply relax and enjoy watching a toddler develop and grow. This precious parent and toddler time fades all too quickly.

Lyne Proulx
Lyne Proulxhttps://ottawamommyclub.ca/
Lyne Proulx is a Certified WEBB Bodywork Pet Practitioner, Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI), Certified Professional Wedding Consultant, and an Event Planner. She loves all things Disney and is an avid teaholic and chocoholic. She coordinated the Annual Infant Information Day/Early Years Expo for the City of Ottawa for 8 years. She was the Queen B of the BConnected Conference, Canada's Digital Influencer and social media Conference in Ottawa and Toronto. She was also the co-chair of the Navan for Kraft Hockeyville 2009-2011 committee that organized five community events within 6 months, and helped Navan reach the top 10 finalists in Canada. In April 2011, she received the City of Ottawa Mayor's City Builder Award.

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