40’s and loving it! Although, not every middle-aged woman can actually say that! You are at the peak of your life, it’s the right time to make sure you keep your weight in check, your stress levels reduced, and maintain an exercise routine, but there are certain things That Happens To A Woman’s Body After 40 that often no one tells us about and how it will affect some of us.
At forty, you maybe have lots of commitments, children, a spouse/significant other, or you may also be running a business, and these things can get quite distracting. They might even make you forget who you are in your 40’s. Therefore, it’s important to remember to take better care of yourself throughout this stage. It’s also the perfect time to change certain lifestyle decisions made in the past. There is a popular say that goes like this “ Life begins at 40” and it’s one of my favourite because indeed life does begin at 40!
7 Things That Happens To A Woman’s Body After 40
1. Hair Loss
Usually, a woman’s hair gets thinner as she ages, which often becomes noticeable when you approach forty, but what we do not know is that the hair loss happens everywhere: your legs, pubic regions, and every other place you have hair. Your body looses a ton of hair after 40, but it’s always good to know it’s not a fast process but a slow one and only progresses gradually.
2. Decrease In Metabolism
Your metabolism slows down a lot after 40, as does your digestion speed, so this means you need to watch what you eat and eat more fruits and vegetables. It’s important to avoid fast food and fried foods, slash your intake of salt, and, above all, when dealing with decreased metabolism, stay as hydrated as possible and drink lots of water and green tea which helps deal with the bloating.
3. The Brain
You begin to lose little bits of memory that go back and forth. Suddenly, you begin to notice that you have trouble remembering certain things, like names or what you walked into your bedroom to pick up, but it is also good to remember that this isn’t permanent and will return to normal after menopause, so try not to over think it or beat up yourself over it.
4. Inconsistent Monthly Cycle
For a lot of women, menopause comes at forty, while for some others it comes later on. Your monthly cycle becomes irregular, sometimes it comes too early or you miss a few months, and eventually ovulation stops too for a lot of women when their body goes through this. It can also be mentally stressful, so consult your doctor if this is too difficult for you and he/she will be happy to review your options with you.
5. Weak Bones
Your bones become weaker and thinner as you hit forty. At this point, you are advised to include lots of calcium in all your meals to help give your bones as much calcium as you can. You should aim to consume 3 servings of calcium in your diet daily as this will help strengthen your bones and prevent you from experiencing any bone related fracture.
6. Body Pains
For many women as they approach forty, they begin to experience constant body pain every time their muscles are stretched. At this point, it becomes difficult to exercise as much as they want and need, but this is a stage where you must constantly remain active to feel your best. You want to be cautious with your exercise routine at this stage to avoid any injuries.
7. Vaginal Dryness
After 40, you can experience vaginal dryness due to lower estrogen levels, and most times this can lead to constant occurrence of urinary tract infections. It’s important to discuss with your doctor to find out how he/she can help you prevent the frequent occurrence of UTI’s and restore a decent amount of balance to your estrogen levels.
Are you over 40 and loving it? What major changes have you noticed that is taking place in your body? Comment below!
Noted! This info is good to know even if you are male. I mean everything goes downhill for everyone after 25 in terms of regeneration
Something to look forward to…lol
That’s the spirit lol!
Not something to look forward to, that’s for sure. My mom is experiencing all of these.
Lots to look forward to.. lol! Some of these are already happening to me and I’m only in my 30s 🙁
Yes, give or take a few years:(
I’m glad you’re loving your 40’s but I’m 48 and not loving all of the affects that come with my 40’s like weight gain, scattered period and thankfully I haven’t hit menopause yet. Plus I’ve got other things stemming from my disability. Yeah !!!!
Yes, I find it rough too!
This is all so true! At 42, I can attest to it!
Was 40 twenty two years ago, still getting powerful hot flashes, had a heart attack, 4 splints put in. I also have MS, Arthritis & a few other diagnosed illnesses. I do have to say life can throw different curve balls at you but life does go on.
Sorry to hear Carol! Yes, we all need to continue and try to make life memorable.
I am now in my sixties and have noticed age spots on my arms and legs. Still getting hot flashes and migraine headaches.
I am sorry to hear about this. I was hoping we would not get symptoms like these at 60.
I can think of a few more but it maybe not happen to everyone, Remembering that we all have our issues and being supportive and understanding.
Great tips! Yes, that’s really important!