Sleeping patterns in children change frequently and can be altered by many factors. Figuring out the underlying cause of sleep issues in children is important so it can be addressed appropriately. Common causes of sleep disturbances in children include: teething, cold/flus, ear infections, night terrors, anxiety/fears, bed wetting, and changes of sleep environment. It’s important for your child to get a good night’s sleep if he/she wants to be healthy and alert at school. Children who get enough sleep have a healthier immune system and perform better at school. Regardless of the cause, here are 5 general tips to help your child get a good night’s sleep.

5 Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep
1. Keep a schedule
The body follows a natural rhythm and going to sleep at the same time each night promotes this rhythm and the release of melatonin (the sleep hormone) at regular intervals.
2. Shut out the lights
Eliminate all sources of light in the room from windows, hallways, night lights, toys, baby monitors, alarm clocks and cell phones. Light inhibits melatonin production and will impair sleep.
3. Wind down in the evening
Doing activities which calm the nervous system rather than excite it can promote a good night’s sleep. Calming activities could include bath time, a tummy massage, listening to music, reading a book or cuddling.

4. Lavender essential oil
Adding a couple of drops of lavender essential oil combine with a carrier oil first and drop in the bathwater or drop a few drops in a humidifier promotes relaxation and a good night’s sleep.
5. Chamomile
Adding a cup of brewed chamomile tea to bathwater calms the nervous system. Make sure it has cooled down! If your child is old enough they can drink chamomile tea before bed. Be mindful if your child has ragweed allergies because chamomile is part of the same family. If rash or digestive symptoms arise discontinue the chamomile immediately.
brill tips, however I’m pregnant so I’m not sure the chamomile would be a good idea, I’d also like to add a suggestion of my own. memory foam mattresses!
I think Chamomile would be great for night sleeps, natural and effective.
Thanks for the wonderful tips,i always having problems getting a good nights rest
I am going to try the Chamomile,next time i have problems sleeping