Giving your child’s closets and living space a deep clean will give your child a helpful boost in maintaining a clean, tidy space in which to rest and study. Here are simple spring cleaning tips for kids rooms.

4 Spring Cleaning Tips for Kids Rooms
1. Closets and shelves
Children out grow both toys and clothes with remarkable speed, and without a regular purge of items, you’ll find your child’s room has less and less space and increasing amounts of disorder.
Sort through your child’s belongings with them. Donate all clothing items that no longer fit, and make a list of pieces of clothing they are in need of. Have your child sort through his toys and books putting all toys that he no longer plays with, in a pile to donate to a charity, or to give to a younger sibling.
While it may be slightly unrealistic to expect your child to enthusiastically join in on the spring paring down of belongings, giving an incentive for a clean room may help them join in with less balking. For example, tell your child that if they forsake X number of toys, then you’ll take them shopping for one choice toy or clothing item.
2. Bedding and furniture
Wash and air out all bedding, and clean out and vacuum under the bed and behind any larger furniture items.

Now is a good time to evaluate whether your child has outgrown any pieces of furniture within the room. Comfortable chairs, a homework desk, and good lighting, are all furniture essentials that should remain at optimum functioning capacity.
3. Wipe and clean
Wipe down all surfaces (windows, frames, furniture, shelves, drawers, and any and all dust catching items) with the appropriate cleaning supplies. Sweep, wipe, or vacuum the floor.
4. Organize and put away
Now that your child’s room is spotless, it’s time to put everything back into its proper place neatly! As you put your child’s belongings away, make sure that there is a place for everything, and that things are labeled if need be, so your child can establish the habit of returning items to the appropriate places.

Spring cleaning is also a wonderful time to evaluate any room improvements that may be needed in your child’s room. A clean and orderly room will help heighten your child’s appreciation for cleanliness and order. It is well worth the time and effort that will be spent during the spring months of the new year.
Oh my goodness, I can’t express how much I love that bedroom! It’s so beautiful.
My daughter said the same thing lol! It’s a stock photo.
I guess Spring is here, so it is time for Spring cleaning, too.. Thanks for these tips!
You are welcome!
Excellent tips… nothing beats a nice and tidy room!
Oh my, I remember well, how my girls acted when it was time to clean their rooms, you would have thought it was the end of the world
Excellent tips! Organization is certainly key to ensuring that they keep the room tidy. The girl’s bedroom featured in your article is so pretty. I love the wall mural.
Thank you!
Kids grow fast, so regular purge of clothes is a must, agree, same with toys!
These are awesome tips to help kids with keeping their room tidy I love the idea of a child helping with this task and getting to pick a new toy