Sibling Jealousy: Effective Tips to Deal with It
As a parent, you may dream of having a wonderful relationship with your children, and have them establish a strong bond with you and each other as they grow up. You may do everything possible to work that out, but fights between your children, which eventually leads to sibling rivalry and jealousy, is almost always unavoidable.
If that sounds like something you are struggling with, here’s a little help your way. Keep reading to discover some of the most effective tips and tricks to deal with sibling jealousy.
Never Compare
As much as you may be tempted to, refrain from comparing your children to each other as well as to anyone else whether it comes to schoolwork, extra curricular activities, or literally anything else. Constantly remind your kids that they are special in their own way, have their own qualities that make them what they are, and the only person that they should ever compete with is themselves.
Listen to Them Both
During an argument or a fight, make sure you listen to both sides of the story, and give each of your children a fair chance to speak up. Doing this puts forward a strong message that you respect each of your children, and this simple trick can very effectively stop jealousy between siblings right in its tracks.
Stay Out of Their Arguments
You may be tempted to settle the spat between your children, but no matter what, stay out of it as much as you can, unless you feel things are getting out of hand. Most children settle their arguments themselves if they are left alone. If your children try to involve you, gently explain them that it is they themselves that created the problem, and they should try to work it out by themselves.
Find Special Alone Time
One of the best ways to make both your children feel special and wanted, and make yourself a fair parent is to set out some alone time with each one of your kids. It can be anything, a short walk, baking some cookies together, watching his favourite movie, you get the drill. During this alone time, try to nurture your relationship with your child as much as you can, and strengthen the bond between him and you.
Never Punish One in Front of the Other
One of the biggest mistakes you could make as a parent that is bound to stir jealousy and hate between your kids is that you punish your kid in front of his/her sibling. If one of them has demonstrated unacceptable behaviour that needs to be punished, make sure you do it privately. Scolding one child in front of the other can literally fuel the fire.
I totally agree that each child needs some alone time with each parent, date night is a wonderful idea.