Motherhood has its share of ups and downs and you may have probably embraced it already, but every once in a while, you may feel that you also deserve a break. Having a mom’s night out occasionally is not just good, but important too. Here’s why and how you can sneak in one without feeling guilty about it.
Reasons to Have a Mom’s Night Out
You already know most of these, but here’s emphasizing on some of the most important ones: yes, you actually need to have a mom’s night out and make time time just for you!
It helps you socialize and make friends, which can do everything from lowering your stress levels and blood pressure, improving your energy levels, and even reduces the risk of mortality.
Connecting with other moms
It makes you feel you’re not alone, both literally and in motherhood. Connecting with other moms can make you realize how parenthood is tough, and not everyone can do everything. If you’re feeling down about yourself as a mom, interacting with other moms can make you realize how there’s no such thing as a perfect mom.
I am Important
Getting a mom’s night out can instantly make you feel pampered, and a bit of self care is super important. After all, you can’t give much if your own cup is empty now- isn’t it?
Personal Time and Space
It gives you that personal time and space especially if you barely remember the last time you were able to enjoy life outside of your kids, and the only time you’re actually alone is when you take that quick bath.
I am not just a mom
It’ll help you remember who you are! With motherhood being so demanding, you may often forget your own desires, dreams, and passions, and getting a little time for yourself can remind you of those things that really made you what you are. It can be a nice refreshing experience.
Ways to Have a Mom’s Night Out
Okay, this one’s easier said than done for most moms, simply because motherhood is a full time job. Here are a few tips to make sure you’re able to fix a mom’s night out for yourself.
Flexible Schedule
Be flexible. It doesn’t need to be the night literally. If you’re relatively unoccupied during the day, a mom’s day out should work fine too.
Keep your Mom’s Night Out Simple
Keep things simple so that you can get a lot of moms and friends to join in. It can be a simple lunch at a new neighbourhood restaurant or an hour at the spa with your girlfriends or even just a bowling game and some snacks at the nearby entertainment centre. Anything really that uplifts your mood and is easy to join.
Ask for help
Get some help from your family members, particularly your spouse. Fix a couple of days, like twice a month, where you can get your spouse to handle the kids for a while when you go out and spend some me time. Don’t feel guilty about it, you deserve it!
Don’t micromanage
Do not micromanage! Avoid constantly being in touch with your babysitter or family member in charge of your kid even when you’re out. Instead, enjoy the time you get for yourself: that’s literally the whole point of it.
Don’t fret if no plan seems to work out. Take small steps towards making it work: plan a short walk in the park, or an hour of reading at the library or even just a 30 minute yoga session. Take baby steps towards it, but make sure you do it! If all else fails, watch Mom’s Night Out the movie!