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4 Fun “Me Time” Ideas for Spring

Never feel as though there is any time in the day for yourself? Now that spring has arrived, maybe it is time to celebrate the start of a new season with taking time for the person who may not be taken care of during the day: You! Take a look at some of these fun “Me Time” ideas to feel better and care for yourself!

Fun “Me Time” Ideas

Leaf through a good book

Who ever said reading was boring? Books can be such a great escape from the world around you. They can take you just about anywhere without having to pack a bag. If I had my way, I would be curled up on my couch with my nose stuck in a book for hours on end as I follow the adventures an author has shared within their work. It is an extra special treat when I get to crack the spine of a new book. There is something about it that is so much fun! I look forward to have time to myself to sneak away from the reality of parenthood while my other half is watching the kids to get a few chapters of a book read.

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Take up a new hobby

Learning is an action that happens for life. Picking a new hobby can be such a fun learning experience. There are so many good things that can come from staring a hobby. You will be learning a new or improving on a skill set you have. It could also allow you to be with others who share your new interest and make new friends and connections. This new interest could also give lead to earning extra money in your spare time or lead to a new profession or career.  

Clear your head

Every once in a while, my head feels as though it will burst with all of the thoughts and reminders that I have swimming around up there! There are times that I need to relieve my head of everything it is filled with, so I turn to some of my favourite activities to help me do this. If it is late at night, I take the time to jot my thoughts down in a journal so I can sort out my feeling towards certain situations out on paper so they make more sense. If it is during the day, I like to do a workout, like a strenuous HITT workout or a relaxing yoga routine, in order to relieve stress. Doing these activities always makes me happier and I feel more productive afterwards.

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Care for yourself!

There are so many different ways to care for yourself. Some ways are more discreet than others. There are many women in Canada that take care of themselves, not for appearance’s sake, but for the conditions they face on a daily basis. One of these issues is Urinary Incontinence (UI). Four in ten Canadian women age 55+ that are living with UI and many of them do so without many people knowing. A second cousin of mine is a proud boomer who is always on the move. If she is not out for a run with her dog, she is out socializing with friends and living her life.

My cousin shared her “secret life” with UI with the family a few years ago, but you would never know it with how freely she lives her life. While out on a shopping trip with her, I found out one of the things she uses to feel more confident while dealing with UI. She uses Always Discreet Very Light Regular Liners. It has a thin and flexible design that gives discreet overactive bladder protection. Its unique DualLock Core™ helps to keep incontinent order and wetness at bay. The re-sealable wrapper allows for quick and sanitary urinary incontinence disposal. She loves using these liners and she says she feels more confident using them during her busy days.  If I did not accompany my cousin on this trip, I would have never known she used them!


Hopefully, these fun “Me Time” ideas have inspired you to make time for yourself and to feel better about yourself. Doing things to care for yourself aids in building self-confidence and helps you to recharge yourself. There is always a time during the day to make time to care for yourself. You just have to make a point to carve out this time and make it happen!

Find out more about Always Discreet and receive a coupon to receive a free sample of Always Discreet products by clicking here!  You can also connect with Always Discreet on their website, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pages!

What sort of activities would you do for “Me Time?”

I created this blog post as a paid ambassador for Always Discreet. All opinions and advice are my own and I only work with companies I genuinely love/have used prior to being contacted. 

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  1. Some good ideas – I’m all for reading a good book 🙂 I’m not often without and I do feel at a loss if I don’t have one to read. 🙂


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