Kids love stories they can jump into and be a part of from start to finish. These stories are even better when they are personalized so they are a part the adventure. Your Book, Your Story wants to put your special child into fun stories that will help to jump start their imaginations. My family was asked if we would like make our own story time fun with these books. We could not wait to see what the stories would be like.
Making Story Time Your Own with Your Book, Your Story
Below are the books we received to review:
- Pirate School (Primary/Elementary)
- A Mysterious Gift
- The Impish Elves
- The Apprentice Knight
- Santa Claus’ Glasses
- Super Princesses
- Hello, World!
Making story time your own
For each story, Your Book, Your Story asks for some information to customize a story for a special child. There is even dedication page letting the owner of the book how special they are.
Pirate School (Primary/Elementary)
This personalized story leads your child on a fun pirate adventure with their friends and teacher. The group go on an adventure to find the treasure of Clever Island. This book is for primary/elementary readers. (There is also a version for daycare/pre-school readers).
My son really loved this book. He started giggling when he saw the names of his friends in the story. He was happily surprised to see that his teacher would be leading them on this journey as pirates on the search for treasure.
The story is at a great reading level for him. He was able to get through the book without much trouble.
A Mysterious Gift
This story takes your little one on a journey around the world on their birthday. It would make for a special gift to open on their special day. This story is for readers 3-8 years-old.
Super Princesses
In this story, your special girl and her friends get to become princesses with special powers. It is a fun holiday-themed book your girl will love. This book is for children ages 3-8 years-old.
My daughter was so excited about reading this book! She loves “being” a princess, so this book was a perfect choice for her.
My girl loves the idea of becoming a princess with super powers. She also likes being able to help Santa by delivering presents with her best friends by her side. She is still curious as to how Santa is able to do this. Being able to takeover this responsibility was a fun adventure for her to go on.
The Impish Elves
In this Christmas story your child is in the middle of a magical adventure with his or her friends and a cute little mouse friend named Nibble. This story is for children ages 3-8 years-old.
Santa Claus’ Glasses
It’s December 25th, and young readers are taken on a magical journey of the preparation and anxious anticipation of the big day. This book is for readers 3-8 years-old.
The Apprentice Knight
Your special child and his or her friends go on a quest to fulfill his or her dream of becoming a real knight. This story is for 3-8 years-old readers.
Hello, World!
This book is about a baby’s journey from it’s mommy’s tummy to being welcomed into the world by its family. It is a great keepsake for parents to have to share wth their little ones during story time. There is another version that is for a child to gift to a younger sibling.
I am no longer looking to having a new edition to my family. I thought this book for a friend of mine who recently became a new mom.
The personal details are woven well into this tale. It is heart-warming, and I know she will be thrilled to read it to her little one. The illustrations in this story, and all of the book we received, are very cute, colourful, and engaging.
Where story time does not make a connection
Even though my kids loved reading these stories, they were a bit disappointed they could not fully connect with their characters in these books.
My kids said the stories would have been better if they could quickly see themselves and their friends in each of the adventures. My littles ended up picking out which characters they were in each of these tales. They enjoyed their personalized stories, but their characters did not look like them in these tales.
Making Your Own Story Time Fun
Overall, my kids enjoy reading stories with a personal touch from Your Book, Your Story. They loved reading the exciting adventures in each book. Seeing their names and the names of their friends in these journeys made them light up and giggle. My littles wished they would have been able to actually see themselves in each of the tales, but they were still able to want to read the adventures over and over again.
Are you curious to see the other adventures Your book, Your Story has to offer? We hopped over to their website and visited them on their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest pages to find out more about this company!
Disclaimer: I received books from Your Book, Your Story to write this review. The views I share are my own.
I would gift a personalized book to my youngest boy, he would love it
Shirley P I would gift a book to my neice
I love personalized books and will definitely getting one for both Cameron and Patrick this year for Christmas. Thanks for the super giveaway opportunity.
Santa Claus’ Glasses would be appropriate for this time of year but I do like them all. 🙂 This prize would of course be for the grandkids
Personalised books are great and kids love them too, I’d gift The Apprentice Knight to my grandson in Germany – at the young age of 7 he speaks 3 languages well and 1 other a little.
The Impish Elves would be so delightful for the grandkids!
I would love to gift The Impish Elves. Super cute.
Pirate School would be a book I think my youngest grandson would enjoy receiving. A personalized book makes a book extra special.
Super Princess would be a good book to give to my 6 year old granddaughter.
Super Princess is the boo kthat I would like to give.
My 2nd youngest would also love this book so I would gift him with one as well
I would choose Pirate School for my little son
I would like to get Santa Claus’ Glasses for my granddaughter.
My 3 year old daughter would LOVE the Super Princess book!! This is such a great gift idea.
Would love to gift my granddaughter the Super Princess.
I want to gift the A mysterious gift book to my kids
My girls would love Super Princess.
Hello, World! looks like such a cute book!
I would gift Hello, World! For a sweet souvenir from birth to my newest grandson. 🙂
Personalized books are a great idea!
i would personalize it for my kids
I would love to gift Super Princesses
I would gift a personalized book to my youngest granddaughter this holiday season!
I would gift super princess to my niece Kinsley.
I’d love to gift Santa Claus Glasses to my daughter this Christmas!
I would gift a book to my friends son
The Apprentice night! They all look like wonderful reads though!
I would love the Super Princesses
I would love to win this for my niece.
I would gift to my nephew
I’d gift a personalized book to my grandson in England. 🙂
Santa Claus’ Glasses for my niece.
One of my granddaughters has a birthday this month and the book A Mysterious Gift is one she might enjoy. I love to give books as gifts.
I would get the 3 christmas books – one for each of my youngest kids Thomas, Kristopher and Hayden
A Mysterious Gift.
love to gift Super Princess to my granddaughter
I’d gift one of the personilsed books to my grandson in England. He’s only a baby now but his parents would love the book.
I would like a book for my nephew
The Impish Elves would be such a cute book!
My youngest grandson would like the book The Apprentice Knight if I gifted it to him.
Pirate school would be amazing to personalize for my adventurer seeker.
The Impish Elves would be great to personalize for my daughter.
pirate school
I think The Impish Elves would make a lovely gift for my niece. She’s deffinitely a little impish herself so I think she’d enjoy this one.
the book The Apprentice Knight would be a great gift for the grandson!
Pirate School would be great for my youngest
I would love to give Hello World to a special child, my Granddaughter, as she will be having a baby brother soon.
Another grandson in Germany would love a personalised book I know.
I would gift The Impish Elves, what a cute book.
I would gift Pirate School to my nephew
The Impish Elves book would make a great gift for my niece’s boys.
I would gift The Apprentice Knight to one of my sons
Pirate School would be great for my nephew
I think my nephews sons would enjoy the book Santa Claus’s Glasses.
The Impish Elves with such a title I really should gift this one to my son but since he’s an adult his son would get it instead.
I would like to give my youngest daughter the “Super Princess” book.
I would gift Hello World to my friends son
I would love to personalize a book for my sweet little niece!
Hello, World! For a sweet souvenir from birth would be for my future grandchild when it arrives and we know a name etc.
My youngest grandson will be going to kindergarten soon. The book Up, up and Away… to School! would make a nice gift for him to help with his transition to this next step in his life.
The Impish Elves would be fun for the grandkids
Santa Claus’s Glasses looks like another good book for my youngest
wo many that would love this. I would certainly gift a special book to my cousins daughter!
The Impish Elves would be so much fun!!!
I would gift a personalized book to any one of my 10 grandchildren who is young enough to enjoy it ie up to 8 years old.
I would love to gift the book Super Princess! to one of my granddaughters.
I would gift a book to my youngest, Impish Elves also looks like a great book
i would pick a mysterious gift for my son! 🙂
my many nieces and nephews would love one of these books!
A Mysterious Gift sounds like a cute story line and this would be for one of my granddaughter in Germany.
I would gift a book to my daughter
I would gift the book The Apprentice Knight to my nephew’s 3 boys.
I would gift to my niece and nephews….so many fun titles to choose from!
I’d definitely gift one of the personalised books to my young grandson in England. Perhaps
Hello, World! For a sweet souvenir from birth
My niece’s little boys would love the book The Impish Elves.
Pirate School – Primary/Elementary would be the one I’d choose for my grandson in Bavaria.
i would love to gift “Santa Claus’s Glasses” to my grandson.
The Super Princesses would be pretty fantastic!
Hello, World! would be a great gift for my niece and her husband so they could read it to their baby girl.
A mysterious gift book would be delightful for one of the grandkids!
The Pirate School age group Primary/Elementary school would be ideal for my grandson in England since both his parents are teachers in primary schools.
My nephew’s 2 little boys would like the book Pirate school.
my youngest would love Pirate School
The Impish Elves looks marvelous!
Pirate School Daycare/ Preschool would be for my granddaughter in Germany.
My youngest grandson would enjoy the book Santa Claus’s Glasses.
Pirate School Primary/Elementary would be a great book for my grandson in Germany
Santa Claus’ Glasses would be fun for one of the grandkids!
I would like to give the book Up, up and Away… to School! to one of my grandsons.
For my daughter, Isabelle, she would love the Super Princess.
Up, up and Away… to School! is a cute book for my neice
I think my grandchildren would all enjoy reading Santa Claus’s Glasses.
Hello, World! would be great for the upcoming new mom!
Hello, World! For a sweet souvenir from birth for my grandson who will be one year old on 23 rd December.
Super Princess would be a nice book for my neice
My grandson Thomas would enjoy the Pirate School Primary/Elementary
I would gift the book The Apprentice Knight to my youngest grandson.
I would like to give Santa Claus’s Glasses to my niece so she’d feel better about hers.
Up, up and Away… to School! for 3 to 5 years olds would be great for my granddaughter in Germany.
I would gift Hello, World! to my youngest granddaughter.
one my granddaughters will be starting grade one next year and Up, up and Away… to School would be perfect for her.
Pirate School Daycare/ Preschool would go to another granddaughter in Germany
Pirate School would be a fun book for one of my grandsons and his friends that come to his dayhome.
Pirate School would be fun for the 2 younger grandsons! both would love it!
I would love to get the The Impish Elves for the grandkids.
The Apprentice Knight would be just great.
Up, up and Away… to School! for 3 to 5 years old would be great for my grandson in Bavaria. They do start school later there but it’s never too early to prepare kids.
I would gift the book The Impish Elves to my impish little granddaughters.
I would give the book Up, up and Away… to School! to my youngest grandson.
Santa Claus’s Glasses Super Princess! for 3 to 8 yr olds would go to one of my granddaughters in Germany.
The Impish Elves … That would be fun to read!!
Santa Claus’ Glasses would be fun for my grandson
The Impish Elves sounds like a fantastic book!
The Apprentice Knight for 3 to 8 year olds would be much appreciated by a grandson in Germany. Which boy doesn’t dream of being a shiny knight in white armour?
I would like to get my youngest granddaughter the book Super Princess!
Pirate School would be super fun.
Pirate School for Daycare/ Preschool I’d gift to a granddaughter in Germany.
The book A Mysterious Gift would be a nice birthday gift for one of my grandchildren.
How fun The Impish Elves would be!
I would give the book The Impish Elves to my nephew’s daughter.
Up, up and Away… to School! for 3 to 5 years old would go to my grandson in England.
Super Princesses would be a great book!
Up, up and Away… to School! would be nice for my grandkids!
One of my nieces has 2 little boys and I think they would enjoy Santa Claus’s Glasses.
Santa Claus’s Glasses would be super fun!
The Impish Elves for 3 to 8 years old would be perfect for my granddaughter in Germany.
My neice would love these
We would so enjoy The Impish Elves!
A friend’s little boy would enjoy The Apprentice Knight.
My granddaughters in Germany would love the Super Princess!
Pirate School would be wonderful for any of the little grandsons! They would enjoy reading it or it be read to them!
I have a few nephews and a niece that would all love a personalized book!
Pirate School for Daycare/ Preschool would be wonderful for a couple of my grandkids in Germany.
The Impish Elves would be a fun book to get for Christmas for any child
I have a special little buddy down the street that I would love to gift one of these books to!
Santa Claus’s Glasses would be a nice gift for a friend’s children.
The Apprentice Knight would go to my oldest grandson in Germany.
Pirate School would be much fun!
The Impish Elves for 3 to 8 years old would be great for any of my grandchildren in that age group.
I would give our neighbour’s little boy The Apprentice Knight.
I’d love to give A mysterious gift to my oldest granddaughter.
I would gift Super Princess! to a neighbour’s daughter.
Hello, World would be wonderful!
Hello, World! For the soon-to-be big brother or big sister would be great for my next to youngest grandchild – there’s bound to be another baby on the way there soon. 🙂
Up, up and Away… to School! for 3 to 5 years old would be great for my nephew’s oldest daughter
I would gift the book The Apprentice Knight to a friend for her grandson.
Pirate School for sure
Any one of my grandkids, apart from the youngest until they get older, would thoroughly enjoy any one of these books. To have your name in print is truly amazing for them and they would treasure the book for years to come.
I think my best friend’s granddaughter would like the Super Princess!
I would gift the Super Princess to my neice
I would choose The Apprentice Knight for my son.
Pirate School for Daycare/ Preschool would be great for any of my grandsons in the age group.
I think my youngest granddaughter would enjoy the book The Impish Elves.
I would gift Santa clauses glasses to my best friends son.
– Amber Y
Two of my grandsons would both enjoy The Apprentice Knight for 3 to 8 years old.
Pirate School Daycare/ Preschool for 3 to 5 yrs old would be very suitable for my grandson in Bavaria.
My nephew’s little girl and boy would like the book Santa Claus’ Glasses.
Super Princess! would be perfect of my neighbour’s beautiful little girl
A mysterious gift would make a nice birthday gift for my grandson.
The Apprentice Knight for 3 to 8 years old would go to my neighbour’s son.
Super Princess! I’d give to the little girl across the street.
The Impish Elves looks like a good book to give to my nephew’s little girl and boy.
Pirate School for Daycare/ Preschool would be a good choice for the little boy down the road.
I would get Super Princess! for my Super Princess! granddaughter.
Up, up and Away… to School! would be great for my nephew’s little girl.
The Impish Elves would be great for my youngest grandson. He’ll love it when he’s older and if he’s anything like his father it will suit him perfectly. 🙂
My grandsons would love Pirate School.
The Apprentice Knight is really really cute!
The Apprentice Knight could also go to my nephew’s son. He’s be fascinated to find his name printed in a book.
I would give Hello, World! to my newest great niece.