Barbie has been inspiring girls to follow their dreams by encouraging them through the 180+ careers she has portrayed. On Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day this April 28th, Barbie celebrated the aspirations of girls across Canada by telling them, “You Can Be Anything!”

In 2015, Barbie started the “Imagine the Possibilities” spot which launched the new brand initiative of You Can Be Anything. This campaign celebrates the brand’s heritage helps to encourage a young girl’s journey of self-discovery, imagination and storytelling.
Barbie wants girls to know that no dream is too big, no idea is too wild, and no possibilities are out of reach. Due to the intelligence and determination girls have, Barbie encouraged families all over the country to share photos on Twitter and Facebook of young Barbie fans as they lived out their future career dreams using the hash tag #YouCanBeAnything. By sharing their #YouCanBeAnything career photos from April 28 – May 2, 2016, four lucky girls were selected to live out the career of their dreams for a day!
Here are the names of the four lucky winners of the #YouCanBeAnything campaign:
- Victoria – Doctor from Vaughan, ON
- Shiya – Baker from Calgary, AB
- Wendy – Pilot from Holyrood, NFLD
- Reese – Firefighter from Brandon, MB
Congratulations to you all, and have fun living out your dreams!
Barbie also wanted my kids to dream big. They graciously sent me six different Barbie dolls to show my kids that the sky’s the limit where their dreams are concerned. Here are the dolls we received:
- Nurse Barbie
- Firefighter Barbie
- Pilot Barbie

Saying that my kids were excited about having these dolls to live out their dreams would be an understatement. I had to introduce each doll separately so they would not go super crazy!
My daughter loved playing with Nurse Barbie. She placed the stethoscope onto Nurse Barbie’s ears and had started taking vitals of the toys in our home to get her off to work.

Firefighter Barbie got a roaring ovation from my kids. Her hat, coat and boots won both of them over! They had her off rescuing the day and saving lives in our living room.

Things really took off when Pilot Barbie zoomed in on the scene. They liked the idea of a woman being able to fly a plane and had her zooming around our home as if they were in one together.

How did we like them
Both of my kids really enjoyed living out the careers each of these dolls portrayed. They were instantly able to step into each of the roles a particular doll portrayed . They also noticed that each doll looked different yet they were all Barbie and accepted it without another thought. What I thought was brilliant was that they then switched the outfits on each of the dolls, so that the doll could be whatever they wanted to be as well.

The fashionista in me loved the details they put into each doll. From their accessories to the little-added touches on each piece of clothing to the type of shoes they wore, I was amazed at the thought and care put into each doll to add to the career they represented.

Both of my kids love Barbie, and these dolls really helped to instill the #YouCanBeAnything initiative Barbie is aiming to share with girls everywhere. I’m so happy they have them to live out their dreams!
For more details about Barbie and their #YouCanBeAnything campaign, you can connect with them on their Facebook and Twitter pages!
Disclaimer: I received products from Mattel in order to write this review. The views I shared are my own.
Yes played with my Barbies all the time.
oh yes I did ! I loved Barbie and still do. I have two girls who are really into Barbies now so time to time I get in on the fun 🙂 I remember getting a barbie dream house for Christmas one year. it had an elevator and everything. oh those were the times….
I didn’t but my daughter does, she loved playing with them even before she could walk or talk!
I did, they were my favourite! I had the house, camper, pool and many other accessories. I remember playing with them for hours!
I loved Barbies! My daughter does too.
My two sisters and I always played with Barbies! My three girls also love them, so this would be a BIG treat for us!
I always played with Barbies as a kid. I have a bunch of collector’s dolls still.
Yes i played with Barbie dolls when i was a child and i still have them.
I loved Barbie dolls when I was a kid. My sister and I had a huge collection and my mom used to knit and crochet clothes for them.
I did not have barbies as a child, but my daughter did.
I sure did play with Barbie dolls when I was a kid, and my mother kept them all, and now my niece plays with them
Oh yes I did, I had two Barbie cases stuffed full of all different Barbies and had the house, car, boat and about six horses, I had so much barbie stuff I can’t list them all!!
I was a huge Barbie fan growing up. Our neighbours’ daughter gave me her collection once she outgrew it. I didn’t care that they were second-hand toys. I played with them endlessly.
Definitely and now its my girls turn. The only difference is they have more choices now than when I was a kid.
I don’t believe she was around when I was a child, not sure when she made it over the ocean though. So no I didn’t play with Barbie but my daughters all did. 🙂
Not only did I play with Barbies but I now collect them! I also now get to watch my girls play with my old stash from my childhood and grow their own 😀
I sure did – my sister and I loved them!
No, I didn’t play with Barbie’s when I was a kid.
I was a huge Barbie fan growing up and played with them all the time!
I love Barbies, my daughter did too and my granddaughter does. I started sewing some Barbie clothes for my granddaughters.
I did not like barbies or doll whatsoever.
I played with barbies when I was little
Yes, I loved playing with Barbies when I was young, and my girls do now too – they even have some of my old ones in their collection.
I did not have Barbie dolls but my younger sister did. I enjoyed sewing clothes for her dolls and she still has them all for her grandchildren to play with.
I played with them as a child…until I was about 14. Now I play with them again because I have 4 daughters 😀
I didn’t play with Barbie growing up, but my sister did and my daughter does now.
I loved Barbies when I was younger, I had her Dream House and her camper and Corvette!
yes, i sure did! my dad made all the doll furniture, my mom the clothes and accessories! Had hours of fun!
i love playing with my barbie dolls. too bad my mom gave them away after
Me and both my sisters played with Barbies as kids.
I used to have several but now I can’t find them to hand it down to my daughter. :/
I did!! I just love Barbie and so do our 2 girls 🙂
Yes Barbie was one of my favorite toys when i was young
yes I played Barbies, my fave was the blow up swimming pool.
Yes I loved and played with Barbie as a child.
Yes I loved playing with Barbie’s when I was a child.
Yes, I played with Barbies all the time when I was a child.
Yes! My favourite as a child was “Pretty in Pink” Barbie. And when I became a beach lifeguard in my teens I was gifted Baywatch Barbie. I still have her somewhere. She came with a torpedo buoy and (rather randomly) a dolphin! For the record, I never used a dolphin during beach rescues.
love barbies
Thank you for this wonderful giveaway, but your IG entry isn’t registering. Not sure if it’s just me having troubles or not? Good luck everyone!
It just worked for me. Maybe refresh your screen?
Yes, I did play with Barbies when I was a child
Yes, absolutely! My cousin and I (6 months apart in age, very close) would play with our Barbies endlessly. It was so much fun! Our barbies were usually equestrian riders or hairdressers. A couple of them were chefs too 🙂
I played with barbies when young and still do with my nieces
I loved barbies as a kid, my mom even sewed clothes for our barbies
Indeed – Barbies were tonnes of fun!
I loved playing with Barbie dolls as a child. I had a decent size collection. I’m not sure what ever happened to them. Thank you for a great post and giveaway 🙂
I loved playing Barbies as a kid and still do!
Barbies were one of my favourite things to play with when I was young-I used to like making clothes for the Barbies
I did indeed play with Barbie growing up!
Loved Barbie – had a huge collection! But I’m much more excited about the range of Barbies that exists now!
I had a Barbie once but I cut her head off so I never got another one. My daughter has a few barbies but isn’t into dolls that much. They haven’t met the same fate as mine… yet 😉
P.S. Your instagram entry isn’t working for me (I’m getting an error).
Besos, Sarah
Journeys of The Zoo
I will check the Instagram again, but it worked for me- not sure what is happening with some entries:)
I played with barbies when I was little. My sister and I had every babrie toysrus sold.
I sure did play with Barbie when I was a young girl….she was the bomb…and I had all kinds of different clothes for her too…..I would play for hours….mmmmmmmmmmmmm to be young again….
I played with Barbies – my mom still has mine.
Played Barbie’s until I was around 12. Still have some and I like to dress them up and make new clothes for them.
I played with Barbies as a child. So did my sisters. We loved them.
Loved Barbies as a child, my aunt always used to mail my sister and I a new Barbie every Christmas and for our birthdays too. I always waited with anticipation for the mailman to deliver our packages (this was in the 1980’s). The dolls were always so glamorous and I want to give my daughter Barbie dolls as well 🙂 especially now that they are even more inspirational than ever!
I always wanted a Barbie but with them being so expensive and my parents on a budget with 3 girls, we never got one. We did have those dolls that were the paper dolls that you could change the clothing on, they were pretty neat
no…was no extra $ for Barbie, but did have a lot of fun with a Barbie-type doll!
Oh, I played with Barbies! I had all my Barbie dolls and accessories at a friends house and we had an entire room we used to play. I think they foster creativity.
I never had a Barbie but I have bought many over the years as gift.
Oh my gosh, yes. I really enjoyed them.
Yes of course I played with Barbie she drove a red corvette
When my daughters were younger – We started a nice Barbie collection for them. (we also bought them to play with but we made a collection also) We just cleaned out a storage closet the other day and I was simply AMAZED at how many barbies we had. My girls are 21 and 19 now but they appreciate them
Yes, I played with barbies.
I loved playing with Barbie’s growing up.
I did play with them, and my daughter does also.
Yes I played with Barbies when I was a young girl. All my friends and I spent hours together playing with them.
I used to love playing with Barbie and all her friends! I spent hours decorating my Barbie home, acting out different scenarios and dressing them. I love searching for the vintage ones on Ebay when I am bored 🙂
Miss R’s asked me this lately and I honestly can’t remember doing so but I’m sure I did.
Yes I live playing with Barbie as a kid 🙂
of course i did
Yes I played with barbies when I was a child.
I played with Barbies as a little girl! I loved finding or making them homemade outfits.
Loved playing with Barbies and so did all my friends.