Few things are as frustrating for a parent as a child who won’t go to bed at bedtime. There are a lot of reasons why this happens, but if you are having bedtime battles with your child, here are some tips to do to help ease your troubles.
Tips for Bedtime Battles
Get to the root of the problem
If your child is fighting you at bedtime, the first thing you can do is try to find out the real problem behind him not wanting to go to bed. Have you recently moved him to a new bed or transitioned from co-sleeping? Is he scared of something or having bad dreams at night? Is he just trying to get your attention? Find out the problem so you can take steps to resolve it.
Establish a bedtime routine
If you haven’t already, now is the time to establish a proper bedtime routine. Do calming activities first like reading a favourite book, getting into PJs and brushing teeth. It’s okay to indulge in a little cuddle time and extra hugs and kisses during this time as well. Eventually, you want your child to understand that bedtime is bedtime and there are no more requests after that.
Be consistent
No matter what bedtime routine and strategy you use, it’s very important you remain consistent with it. Always stick to the same bedtime, even on weekends, don’t allow stalling, and make sure are parental figures are on the same page when it comes to bedtimes.
With these tips, you can bust bedtime battles for good. You’ll have young sleepers that go to bed on time and stay in bed until morning, giving you more time in the evenings to do the things you need to do, as well as to sleep yourself.
I’m an adult and I need routine to easily fall asleep. lol…& maybe a bedtime story.
Great tips to make life easier for parents.
I wish I had tips when my son was young, there was no support and it was a nightmare, but we finally made it through.
Good timing .. this post, and also the importance of timing when it comes to bed time.
Great tips! Thank you 🙂
When I was a kid I fought bedtime all the time but your tips would have been great for my mother
I agree routine and consistency is very important even for us adults! Lead by example!
Totally agree!
Definitely agree with how important a routine is. It makes children feel more secure in general, which helps bedtime go more smoothly.
I like routine the best. Geat tips for helping with bedtime
a routine is a good tip
ty for the great tips
My pleasure!
I always read to my kids at bedtime and sang to them too. I agree that being consistent means that you’ve already won 60% of the battle.
Very helpful tips! I agree… being consistent with whatever you choose to do will make a bigger impact.