If you’re looking to save money every month, you need to have a plan. If you’re just starting to save, or looking to save more money each month, it’s important to know what your goals are and how you plan to reach them.
Saving Money Every Month
Saving money is not a passive process. While it can be sometimes (like if you set up automatic deposits), it is still overall something that you need to take action to achieve. You make a choice when you decide not to spend money and to save it instead.
Here are ways to save money every month:
As mentioned above, once you do this you don’t have to worry about it anymore. You need to take action the first time to set it all up, but then you will continue saving your money every time without forgetting.
It just makes sense to use reward cards and gain cash back on spending you’re going to have to do anyway. Why not get a little bonus or earn some rewards when you’re buying food, household items, or even paying bills?
Another way to save money every month is to use coupons and savings apps. There are apps that give you coupons, cash back, and other specials savings you cannot get anywhere else. According to a study, 43% of shoppers find coupons on mobile apps.
These apps will really save you a bundle and many people do not take advantage of them. You can use your smartphone or iPhone to download money saving, coupon, and cash back apps. Then, shop how you normally would but save even more.
It’s important to know where your money is going – really going – not just where you think it’s going. Track your spending and investing over time and look for ways to reduce it where you can.
Some debts are going to be necessary at certain points in your life. However, there are things you can do to help reduce your debt.
6. Create your savings goals
Know how much you’re trying to save and what you are saving for. You also need to set a deadline to reach your goals. Timelines are very important to help you remain on track with your savings goals.
7. Take a portion of your paycheck for savings
Whether you get paid weekly, twice a month, or once a month, you need to take a portion of your wages and apply them to your savings account. If possible, set it up to do this automatically.
8. Boost your monthly savings with extra cash
You can also find ways to make extra cash such as by selling off junk you no longer need, or picking up a part time job and then put all of this extra cash into your savings.
9. Cut back on expenses
You can also save more every month if you cut back on your expenses and look for ways to lower your existing bills. Can you cut back your cable service? Are there subscriptions you don’t really need?
With these money saving tips, you can begin saving more money every month. Whether you’re already saving and just looking to increase those savings, or if you are just starting your savings, you can use these tips to boost your savings account this month and every month after.
Thank you for the great tips its always good to be looking for ways to lower expenses
Good tips, I can’t believe that so many people can’t manage their finances but unfortunately it is a fact. I was always taught that if you don’t have the cash you can’t buy it and so I’ve always been careful with money and it has stood me in good stead all these years.
paying yourself is always a good tip
All great tips, always reinforce these ways and refresh it regularly. It is tough especially near the holidays.
Every dollar counts, good tips to go by,
These are great tips, I took on a part-time job and this helped with the down payment of our house.
pay yourself first is a rule i follow
Coupons and apps really help and like mrdisco said pay yourself first.
Totally agree!
It’s really hard to save money these days . These are good tips . I’ll have to look into coupons and savings apps . I already use Checkout 51 but I’m sure there are more .
Some great information. Saving is always so difficult.
Thank you and so true!