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16 Free Vintage Crochet Patterns

These vintage crochet patterns are all available for free. Each of these free vintage crochet patterns are timeless crochet classics. The crochet doilies and hearts are some of the most popular vintage crochet patterns to try. The Crochet overall pattern went viral last year with over a million people wanting to crochet the design. The overalls use a basic granny square design which is very popular with beginners getting started with crocheting.

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16 Free Vintage Crochet Pattern

Crochet Patterns

Whether crochet is a new hobby of yours or you’ve been crocheting for years, finding new patterns is always a joy. Of course, no one said those patterns had to be new to everyone. Vintage crochet patterns can be so much fun to work with. It’s so fun to recreate something that was worn in the 60s or to make a bedspread that looks like something from the early 1900s. While it can be hard to find these pieces in good condition at an affordable price, you can make these items by using crochet patterns.

Hottest Colours

One of the best parts about recreating these looks is being able to do so in today’s colours. While things may look outdated in the colours that were popular at that time, they can look awesome in today’s hottest colours. But, if you do love the colors from yesteryear, you can still recreate the exact look. A good craft store will have hundreds of different colours for your projects.

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16 Free Vintage Crochet Patterns


These vintage crochet pieces would also make wonderful gifts. You even have the option to make these using your friend or family member’s favourite colours. If your loved ones love retro pieces as much as you do, you can’t go wrong with these homemade gifts.

Free Vintage Crochet Patterns

Whether you’re new to the craft or have been crocheting for years, there’s a pattern for you. The great thing is you won’t have to dig all over the place to find these vintage crochet patterns. We’ve rounded up several awesome free vintage crochet patterns. Some projects can be finished in a couple hours, while others will keep you busy for several. Either way, you’re going to love these patterns.


Crochet Petal Snack Bowl Pattern


Crochet Slipper – Wedding Favor


Pot Pourri Heart Sachet Pattern


Ruffles and Lace heart Crochet Pattern


Ruffle Crochet Cushion Pattern


Star Design Crochet Pillow Ring Wedding Pattern


Crochet Heart Pillow Vintage Pattern


Vintage Wedding Ring Bedspread Vintage Crochet Pattern

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Beaded Doily Crochet Pattern


Rose Centrepiece Crochet Doily Pattern

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Dahlia Patterned Crochet Beadspread Vintage Pattern

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Shell Motif Vintage Doily Pattern

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Clam Shell Vintage Napkin Ring Pattern

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Cross Squared Vintage Crochet Bedspread Pattern

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Circular Design bed Spread Design Crochet Pattern

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Vintage Granny Square Crochet Short overall pattern

Retro styles don’t have to be expensive. You can often recreate the look thanks to vintage patterns. Whether it’s crochet or sewing, you’ll fall in love with these vintage pieces.

Lyne Proulx
Lyne Proulxhttps://ottawamommyclub.ca/
Lyne Proulx is a Certified WEBB Bodywork Pet Practitioner, Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI), Certified Professional Wedding Consultant, and an Event Planner. She loves all things Disney and is an avid teaholic and chocoholic. She coordinated the Annual Infant Information Day/Early Years Expo for the City of Ottawa for 8 years. She was the Queen B of the BConnected Conference, Canada's Digital Influencer and social media Conference in Ottawa and Toronto. She was also the co-chair of the Navan for Kraft Hockeyville 2009-2011 committee that organized five community events within 6 months, and helped Navan reach the top 10 finalists in Canada. In April 2011, she received the City of Ottawa Mayor's City Builder Award.

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  1. These are all astonishing however I must admit laughing loudly at the Vintage Granny Square Crochet Short overall pattern.

  2. I want to learn to crochet I can knit but not crochet. My sister in law is amazing at it and she would love some of these patterns.


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