Got a fitness resolution this year? Check out these New Year resolution fitness tips and how to make them stick.
The Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays have come and gone. Another year has come and gone and this year like every year before you’ve set yourself a fitness resolution.

You’re either going to resolve to lose weight, get more organized, spend less and save more, quit smoking or stay fit and healthy. Whatever these top five New Year’s Resolutions mean to you, most likely you’ve had one of them before.
Statistics never lie; however, the bad part about the statistics are that within one week of making a New Year’s Resolution about 25% will lose motivation. Out of 100 people that’s 75 people sticking to their goals.
By the second week of January, another 29% will fall of that list. Down to 53 people. Almost half the people who started out with a New Year’s Resolution will drop off in the first two weeks.
And within a month only about another 64% will come off that list. Down to 34 people.
After six months only 12 people out of 100 will have kept their New Year’s Resolution. So what’s so special about these 12 people?
Nothing Special, Sorry
There’s nothing different between these people that makes them stick to their New Year’s Resolution, except maybe their perceptions. They’re not any more special or gifted than you are.
The people that are more likely to stick with their goals have a better plan for success. And with a little help, you’ll be able to keep your New Year’s Resolution too!
The Trick to Keeping Your Resolution
So setting goals is all about making it personal. If a goal isn’t personal it doesn’t mean anything to you. You have to become emotionally attached with your goal, so regardless of whether it’s fitting into those jeans you wore when you were 22 or saving enough money for a vacation this upcoming year, you must think about what that’s going to mean to you. Is it going to be something you’re truly devoted to or is it just a whim? Scale it from 1 (I’m not overly concerned) to 10 (I want to be there right now).
Now go to the mirror right now and think about your resolution. If you scored a 7-10 on the scale of “I want this for me,” then ask yourself that big question—WHY? Alright, go ahead…go to the mirror already. If you score below a 5 then ask yourself, do you really want to even start this resolution?
Being Better
Oh good, your back. How do you feel? I know you have it in your head right now. Are you ready to commit?
If you can’t be honest with yourself, you’ll never make it in any resolution, so you might as well get it out of the way right now.
Now if you could look yourself in the face and tell yourself that you can accomplish your goals. Then it’s time to get started.
Write Down Your Resolution
Get out a pen and paper and write down your goal (resolution). Make it personal. Why do you want accomplish this goal? How does it make you feel? How will you feel when you get there? You should have already done this in the mirror.
Write all those down.
Then, after you’ve gotten those written down, write down the steps you need to take to get there.
You’ve got to define your goal in order for you to reach it. You have to plan it out. Make short term goals to get to the big goal.
No one who just says they want to lose weight or get in shape actually does. You need a plan. A plan of action and reaction. Plan for shortfalls. Plan for the unexpected. Define every little detail. Everything that could stand in your way of achieving success, whether it’s the kids, the significant other, job, working out, nutrition, whatever you think is going to be a problem.
Make these into your short term goals with solutions to those problems. How will you deal with them?
Outline a clear path from you to your goal. How are you going to get there? What about the road blocks and challenges you will face? How do you beat those challenges?
Now Make it Pretty
Now take your list of ideas, format it nicely and make a couple copies. Put one everywhere you will see it throughout the day. In a notebook, a journal, on the fridge, on your bathroom mirror. Anywhere you will see your goals EVERYDAY! I always write mine on my mirror so I see it first thing in the morning. The fridge is a good place too!
Then after you’ve started down your path on the first week of January, mark off your short term goals as you accomplish them. This keeps you actively thinking about your goal and also gives you further motivation.
Pretty soon you’ll be on the right track and knocking down short term goals on your way to your big New Year’s Resolution.
Easy Right?
Don’t become a victim to your New Year’s Resolution! Picture the outcome and how you get there. Then write it down. Make sure it’s someplace where it reminds you of your goals. Whenever you start losing track fall back on your goal sheet to remind you of your goal. Look at the emotional attachment you have for these goals and how you’ll feel when you get there. Look forward to meeting those short term goals and crossing them off as you accomplish them.

Try not to worry about the little road blocks you may have in your life. Success is far from a straight line. Just hop back on the wagon and keep focus on the prize in the distance. After all, only you can determine whether you’re going to be one of the 12 people that actually accomplishes their New Year’s resolution.
Here’s to your success!
I suffer from believing I am more fit than I am. Being a naturally thin person does not mean I am in shape and I have to come to terms with that! Your tips are helpful and motivation is my biggest weakness. I am aiming for little steps to start being more active!
Very true. Thin people are naturally thought of as being healthy and yet there’s a big difference between body size,composition and health.
It can be said that health is the perfect interplay of the organs and systems of the body. Whereas nothing functions perfectly without exercise, despite appearances.
Just because you are thin doesn’t mean that you are fit.
Start off with some light aerobics and bodyweight exercises. Those can help get you started in a way that is time effective and along your own terms.
This is so me I am always full of good intentions! Excellent post and very inspirational thank you
Dear Jane,
Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate it.
I exercise and it does not have to be a resolution but then after a few months I never seem to find the time and then sort of stop BUT for health reasons I cannot stop as I must keep exercising Like this post
Dear Tina,
Yeah, exercise tends to be one of those things that we always lose sight of when the chips are down. Even when we all know that exercise can change our lives for the better…yet it requires consistency, practice and dedication to be ultimately successful.
Check out my new email series on How To Get Your Body Back After 30:
To keep you motivated.
Sticking the resolution in a visible place is a really good tip, and has worked for me with other things that I have wanted to change.
Dear Victoria,
Thanks so much Victoria. I’m happy that I was able to help motivate you towards sticking to your New Years goals.
Check out one of my latest blog post on 3 Things to Get Yourself in Shape in 2014:
I do think these are very good tips for people who have trouble carrying on with their resolutions, and I believe that if you want anything badly (as long as it’s not too ambitious) you just have to have the determination to stay the course. You are providing the means for people to stay motivated when times get tough and that is super. Thanks for a great post.
Thanks Elizabeth, I appreciate it. I hope to provide direction, purpose and motivation to all!
I read this post and feel so motivated,I so need to lose 25 lbs,but I am just so weak
Thats it I started toda..wish me luck
I am always so full of good intentions!
Tommow is a new year and time for change,thanks for the post