Depending on where you live, the fall season will bring cooler weather. The long, hot days of summer are ending, and for many, this is a better time to get out and enjoy the great fall weather. It might also be a good time to be more active outdoors. If it was too hot for you to exercise and enjoy activities outside in the summer, the fall season may bring just what you need to get fit, active and stay healthy. Here are some tips on how to stay fit in the fall months!

So many of us are thinking about getting back into our fitness routines after taking some time off in the summer. The gyms are busy again and many are transitioning to indoor activities and strength training. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed especially if you’ve taken an extended break from indoor workouts. How can you stay fit in the fall?
Know what motivates you
Is it a race, signing up for a class, working out with a buddy or tracking your workouts online? Find out what works best for you and set goals. Write them down and reward yourself along the way.
Go for walks
It sounds simple because it is. Really, just taking a nice walk in the fall weather for as long or as short as you can, based on your health and ability. You can bring a friend or the family to enjoy it with you. Simply walking every day can keep you stay fit.
Take advantage of the weather and beautiful sights (think: hike in the Gatineau park, bike ride along the river, more comfortable running/walking weather). Bring the camera to capture the beautiful sights!
Be choosy with your treats
Many will gain weight between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Set a limit ahead of time, indulge in moderation and buy Halloween candy that you don’t like. If you like chocolate, purchase plain chips and raisins – you’ll be less likely to indulge. Keep the box sealed and hidden away until Halloween day! Better yet, buy your treats the day before.
Work out 1st thing in the morning
Prepare your workout gear the night before and set 15-30 minutes aside when you wake up (before you’re brain tells you no). It can be as simple as a brisk walk around the neighbourhood. Fifteen minutes of moderate intensity exercise (such as brisk walking) can decrease mortality by up to 14% which = 3 year longer life.
Go to the beach
If you live close enough, consider going to the beach. Just because Labor Day is behind you doesn’t mean you can’t go play for a day with your kids. The crowds have usually all moved out by this point and you will get most of the beach to yourself.

Play a game
Do you like sports? Enjoy shooting hoops with the family, play some soccer or tossing a Frisbee? Fall can be a great time of year to play some games. Since it’s not usually as hot, but the weather is still warm enough to enjoy, get out there and get active.
Make your chores active: Rake, weed, prepare your garden for winter and sneak in a few extra squats to stay fit this fall.
Workout during commercials
With the average hour long program, you’ll be able to sneak in up to 13 minutes of exercise. Here are some things you can do off the couch on the commercials: 15 Squats, 15 push ups (wall, knees or toes) and a 30 second plank (knees or toes). Repeat during three sets of commercial breaks and voila! Mini workout done.

Clean up the yard
Are the leaves starting to fall off the trees yet? This can be a great time to rake the leaves and start cleaning it all up. It gives you a great fall workout since raking and bagging leaves can burn as much as 200 to 300 calories an hour. Get the family involved too!
You can also try a new activity this fall, sign up for a class, hire a qualified trainer if you need help. Experiment with new classes and try something different. With these tips in mind, you can get the exercise you need and stay healthy and fit throughout the fall months.
Been doing a few activities on the list. Yard work and roof work mostly for me. I do plan on hitting the gym regularly over the next few months just as I am currently.
Those are great activities to keep you going!
I’ve started doing a little exercise because I would like to lose some weight but my enemy is chips and chocolate so I keep trying
I am a chocoholic and can relate… so good!
Raking leaves is a great workout! Jumping in the big pile is a lot of fun too. I tend to walk more in the fall too.
I do find yard cleanup really is great exercise and I like being outside.
Yard work is a great way to burn calories. I spent the afternoon today raking leaves in the backyard and by the time I was done I had filled 11 bags.
Totally agree! You must have lots of trees in your yard!
If the weather outside is messy and you have to stay in the Leslie Sansone walking dvd’s are awesome and they are quite the workout!
Yard work then snow shovelling will keep you in shape!
I like these ideas!
I’m going to try and get a fitness routine started, the heat is not to bad now so I have no excuses.
I love the Fall! These are great ideas to get everyone moving, my favourite is walking and taking in all the colours!
Yes, I totally agree! It’s the same for me!
Great tips… I enjoy walks in the fall the most!
Some great information here.
I can do this. I need to do this.