The first day of high school can be stressful for both kids and parents. Chances are you remember how nervous you were on your first day! You probably also remember that it was no big deal. Everything turned out just fine; however, teens think they know everything and won’t believe you! Things were different back then, right? Let’s take a closer look at how to prepare your teen for the first day of high school!
How to Prepare Your Teen for the First Day of High School

Do a School Tour
Most high schools offer a tour. You don’t want your child to miss this. This is when they’ll learn where everything is. The more prepared your child can be, the better. If your child will be attending a school with a large campus, you’ll want to make sure they pay attention to where everything is located. This will give them a better chance of finding their classes on the first day.
Create a Healthy Sleep Routine
Teens can really get their sleep routine out of whack during the summer months. Create a sleep schedule for your teen in the weeks leading up to the first day. Start sending your child to bed an hour earlier every few nights until they’re going to bed at a reasonable time. You also want to start waking them up earlier and earlier until they are used to getting up for school before their first day.

Talk to Your Child About Relieving Stress
The first day of high school, and being a teen in general, can be stressful. Take the time to teach your child different ways to relieve stress. It might be reading a book, meditating, going for a walk, etc. There are many methods, and everyone has different methods that work for them.
Make Sure Your Child Has Everything She/He Needs
You want to make sure your child has everything they need for the first day of high school. If your school provides lists of supplies before the start of the school year, you’ll know exactly what they’ll need to get started. Chances are your child will receive a list of additional supplies the she/he will need for each class on their first day. In other words, don’t overbuy. Save some money until you know what other supplies will be.

Know Your Child’s Schedule and Locker Combination
You want to know where your child should be at all times. It’s also good to know your child’s locker combination in case they forget it, or you need to go by the school to pick up assignments when they’re sick.
Let Go
Last, but not least, you need to let go. Yes, this is a scary time for you and your teen, but trying to be the momma bird won’t help either one of you. There are milestones throughout your child’s life where you’ll need to back off more and more. This is one of those times.

The first day of high school is a big step for teens and parents. Thankfully, there are things you can do to prepare your teen for back to school and their first day of high school!
These are good tips its hard for some teens to get up early. Its important to have the right supplies to do a good job
So true!
It’s a big adjustment for kids when they start high school. They are often daunted by the prospect but these tips will help them overcome their fears.
Nice tips, many changes happening around every high school. I think this guideline hits some of the crucial things to prepare for.
I remember my first day and being really nervous but your tips would’ve helped
Great tips, being supportive and open helps.
These are all good tips to help kids adjust to the new environment and will make it much easier for them too.
Nice tips
Those are great tips
Thank you!
My daughter starts high school in September, and I dont know who is more nervous…me or her! I remember my high school days…and lets just say…I hope she doesnt follow in my footsteps!! I was more interested in the social aspect, and what else…BOYS!! ahhh if only we could go back, knowing what we know now!!!
Great article…:)
lol! Yes, it’s a stressful time for parents too! Thank you!
These are awesome tips I loved going on the high school tour and I learned a lot about the school