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How To Make Easter Fun For The Kids

Easter is coming up, which means springtime fun is in the air. Kids love the idea of Easter and the Easter Bunny, especially if they are still young enough to believe. Make this Easter a special day by adding some fun and creative touches to your holiday. Their smiling faces will make you glad you did!

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Fun Easter Activities For The Kids

Things You’ll Need:

  • Easter basket (packed with any Easter treats you like)
  • Plastic eggs that pull apart
  • Coins (quarters are most fun)
  • Paper and a pen or marker

Make an Easter basket

Create a fun little Easter basket for your child that he can search for and find somewhere in the house. Put anything you like in the Easter basket such as candy, a stuffed animal, games, or whatever you know your child will like. Presentation is everything so get creative and fill it full of colourful Easter items. Pick a good hiding spot and place the basket out of sight so your child has to hunt for it.

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Chocolate eggs in a basket

Create a plan for the Easter basket hunt

On separate pieces of paper, write directions for places your child will need to go to find his Easter basket. Start with one that you hand to him that tells him a place to look (if your child can’t read, read it for him…pretend it’s from the Easter Bunny himself). For example…look under the bathroom sink. Your child will go to the sink and you should have another piece of paper under there with a different place he has to look. Keep this up a few times until you have sent him to the hiding place of his Easter basket. Your child will have so much Easter fun and be amazed to finally find a special treat waiting for him!

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How To Make Easter Fun For The Kids

Have an Easter egg hunt

Fill colourful plastic, pull apart, Easter eggs with different amounts of quarters (or candy or gum if you don’t like the idea of money) and hide outside in the yard. If it’s raining or not a very nice day, you can also hide them in the house. Have your child look for the Easter eggs and watch him get excited as he finds a special gift in each one. Just remember how many you hid and where you hid them to be sure he got them all. An Easter egg hunt is even more fun with a bunch of children.

Have an Easter item scavenger hunt

For an Easter item scavenger hunt, you need to pick items that are Easter oriented and have your child find them one by one. This is a lot of fun if you can scatter items throughout the yard. Write a list of the things that your child needs to find. Pick about 10 things (anymore and he will get bored). Have your child mark off the things he finds on the list and when he is finished, he gets to keep the items. Easter items to choose could be…a chocolate Easter bunny, an Easter book, a small toy that your child loves (mine loves mini dirt bikes), cookies, gum, Easter sunglasses, a card game, Easter pens or pencils, stuffed Easter Bunny or chicken, lip gloss (for girls of course), Easter stickers…or any great little items you can come up with.

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Have your child do an fun Easter obstacle course

Another great idea for an Easter egg hunt is to fill the plastic eggs with small pieces of paper that tell your child some kind of fun exercise he has to do. For example, fill eggs with paper telling your child that he has to…jump and down up 3 times, spin in a circle, jump like a leap frog, run a short distance, or hop on one foot. Each Easter egg he finds can tell him to do something different. When he is finished with the course, give him a treat or prize. He’ll love doing something different and you’ll be giving him exercise in the process. Just be sure to only do about 10-15 eggs so he doesn’t get bored quickly with the activity.

All these Easter activities are ideal and lots of fun with a group of kids of all ages!

Lyne Proulx
Lyne Proulxhttps://ottawamommyclub.ca/
Lyne Proulx is a Certified WEBB Bodywork Pet Practitioner, Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI), Certified Professional Wedding Consultant, and an Event Planner. She loves all things Disney and is an avid teaholic and chocoholic. She coordinated the Annual Infant Information Day/Early Years Expo for the City of Ottawa for 8 years. She was the Queen B of the BConnected Conference, Canada's Digital Influencer and social media Conference in Ottawa and Toronto. She was also the co-chair of the Navan for Kraft Hockeyville 2009-2011 committee that organized five community events within 6 months, and helped Navan reach the top 10 finalists in Canada. In April 2011, she received the City of Ottawa Mayor's City Builder Award.

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  1. Easter is such an exciting time for kids. We enjoy doing a Easter Egg hunt and I love the idea of an Easter obstacle course.


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