Canadian working moms are among the most admirable people in the world for their capacity to juggle a career and a family with a tight schedule. If you are one of them, it can be hard work and exhausting to take care of everything. You may notice weight gain due to stress, which can also lead to depression and a lack of confidence. However, there are many ways to stop the increase in weight and set the right scales back for a better you. Here are some ways on how a busy working mom can lose weight.
Weight Loss Depends On What You Eat
The food that you eat is the major factor in controlling your weight. Many people do not know that you don’t need to spend many hours in the gym or at home working out to lose weight. It is all about changing your eating habits to get faster and better results. While Canadian families generally have a healthy diet, eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, about 22% of families are still eating less healthy. Notably, they are more common in families with both parents working.
That’s why it’s important to emphasize that losing weight is more about controlling the amount you eat, like serving yourself half of your usual consumption for every meal. If you still get hungry 30 minutes after your meal, you can have a high-protein snack. Try to keep this discipline for all your meals, and you will lose weight successfully.
This process will help you reset the usual portions of food in your meal that your body needs. As you grow older, your body will adjust to the amount of food in relation to your physical activities.
Incidental Exercises With the Kids
If you ride the bus to and from your office, try to get off a few stops earlier and walk towards your work or home. You can also join a workout class or look for small pockets of time that you can squeeze in a bit of workouts, such as push-ups or squats.
During weekends, you can take your kids for a walk or a bike and enjoy the scenery in your local trail parks. You can also invite them for an excellent frisbee at the park and have fun with the whole family. There are tons of outdoor activities that Canadian families can enjoy as one unit!
Reduce Alcohol Intake
Some working moms developed a habit of drinking a glass of wine at the end of the day before they go to bed. However, limiting your alcohol intake is one of the best ways to lose weight. This discipline will help you reduce the consumption of calories and avoid poor food choices in between your drinks.
Canadians are known to be among those that drink more alcohol per capita, roughly 3.6 more than the world average. While social drinking is okay, it should still be done moderately to ensure that you don’t pack up on unnecessary calories.
Create Family Meals
Canadian families are known for being huge fans of home cooked meals, with 84% of them enjoying cooking at home. Unfortunately, only a few of them have the time to cook at home. When they do, they would most often cook meals consisting of burgers, spaghetti and meatballs, and stir fry meals. They are also among those that eat below the daily recommended minimum of vegetables. Survey respondents shared that lack of inspiration and motivation are challenges that prevent them from eating healthier.
Now that you know how to lose weight with your eating habits effectively, you need to find ways on your family’s meals as well. Many meal substitutions will also work for your weight loss program. Creating family meals will allow every member to eat the same food that you are taking by substituting your carbs with lower carb options. You may try a modified salad that has fewer carbohydrates that will help you more on your diet.
Intermittent Fasting
Many people are considering a fasting diet to lose weight faster. However, as a working mom, you can’t afford to lose your energy if you try this type of diet. This concept may be false because your body can adjust with your schedule of eating. You can try intermittent fasting by skipping an early breakfast as your introduction to this diet. After skipping breakfast, wait until your body tells you that you need to eat, then consume a high-protein breakfast that will make you feel full longer.
Seek Help
Losing the extra weight can be challenging. In fact, it may even push you to make significant lifestyle adjustments. If things get too overwhelming, don’t hesitate to ask help from knowledgeable nutritionists and weight trainers to recommend supplements that can help you lose some weight. Some supplements are proven to burn fat while providing you with the nutrition you need. Remember to be careful and have the right determination to lose weight.
As a working mother, the goal of losing weight should be accomplished along with the motivation of being healthy for the entire family. Use your family as an inspiration and you’ll soon see how quickly you’ll be able to lose excess weight.