There are several reasons why Canadians don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are an integral part of the daily Canada’s Food Guide. It is recommended that you have one half of your plate covered with fruits and vegetables. And for good reasons, as a diet rich in vegetables and fruits can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer.
As per Statistics Canada, in 2017, only 28.6% of Canadians aged 12 and older reported that they had consumed fruits and vegetables five or more times per day which was the daily recommendations by Food Canada back then. This means that 71.4 % were not eating enough fruits and vegetables on a daily basis! It is also reported that the proportion of Canadians that consumed the recommended fruits and vegetables per day has been decreasing every year.
Canadians Don’t Eat Enough Fruits and Vegetables
Time, convenience, cost, texture, and taste are the biggest culprits as reasons why people don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables as part of their daily nutrition.
Lack of time
Time is a major factor as to why many people lack in the fruits and vegetable department of their food intake. With today’s society as fast-paced as it is, meal preparation time is severely limited. In years long since passed, people used to make their meals from scratch, and they always included a healthy portion of fruits and vegetables.
Nowadays, with schedules compacted beyond all recognition, many people are simply grabbing a quick bite, either at a fast-food joint or through a quick microwavable meal. In this regard, vegetables and fruit are not typically available, and if they are, they do not taste very appetizing. The convenience factor weighs heavily on people.
Meals today are predicated upon convenience, and this is why fruits and vegetables are lacking in many diets. It takes time to cut up fresh fruits and vegetables, and it also takes effort. For convenience sake, many people forgo the fruits and vegetables because it is too much of an inconvenience to get to the market to purchase fresh ingredients, and so they make something more convenient.
Higher Cost of Fruits and Vegetables
The cost of fresh fruits and vegetables is rather high, which is another detriment to their popularity. Money is tighter these days and, unfortunately, they tend to scrimp when it comes to eating. Although this is a big mistake, it is one that is made with gusto by a large portion of society.
Texture And Taste
Texture and taste are perhaps the biggest culprits as reasons why people don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables. Many of the foods that are good for you happen to be too bland or the texture may be unappealing. If you do not like the taste of vegetables, you will certainly be less likely to purchase and devour them.
People tend to be picky eaters and become creatures of habit, eating the meals that they enjoy with regular frequency. This also stems from childhood, when fruits and vegetables were disregarded with reckless abandon and carried over into adulthood.
In order to maintain optimum health and well-being, fruits and vegetables should be a staple in your daily diet. This may be hard for some, but if you give it a try for two weeks, it will become a habit. Your body will certainly appreciate the effort. Taking care of yourself should always be a top priority! Whatever the reason for not eating enough fruits and vegetables, adapt and overcome!
I really agree with the change to the Food Guide and removing the meat and dairy requirements, there are so many people that develop inflammation with consumption of dairy. We need to look at eating whole foods and less foods that are processed.
We’re getting a farm box right now and it’s great for trying new things that we wouldn’t have chosen on our own!
That is such a great idea! Love it!
The cost was always a factor when shopping for fruits and vegetables.
I think the problem with our family is the convenience of meals. We always seem to be in a hurry and sometimes that’s when the vegetables get ignored. Thank you for the reminder how important these things are for good health.
Yes, I agree!
I fresh fruits and vegetables are pretty expensive, that’s the problem!