Essential oils can aid in healing and can be combined with meditation. More and more people are turning away from over-the-counter medications and taking a more holistic approach to healing. In aromatherapy, certain essential oils have healing qualities that can assist in easing depression, lowering blood pressure, aiding digestion, and many other ailments.
Healing With Essential Oils

Some essential oils enhance a meditation by their calming effects, enabling a person to concentrate better. Others, such as healing essential oils, can be combine with a meditation to optimize the healing effect.
Sandalwood Essential Oil
Sandalwood originated in India and is considered a sacred fragrance. Some of the benefits credited to Sandalwood are its use as an antiseptic and for relieving cramps.
Sandalwood also has a calming and relaxing influence which can help quiet the mind in preparation for meditation. It can also be use as an aphrodisiac.
Juniper Essential Oil
Another essential oil that can help calm the mind for meditation is Juniper. This purifying oil comes from ripe, dried berries. It can work as a diuretic and aides in digestion.
Juniper is good for sore muscles, along with aches and pains, though notably, this essential oil should not be used by pregnant women.

Lemon Essential Oil
Lemon has long been associated with cleanliness and freshness. Think how many cleaning products are lemon scented! This essential oil can reduce itching from insect bites and can be use to neutralize acid.
Lemon’s purifying quality can aid in concentration, reduce stress, and help improve circulation.

Orange Essential Oil
Orange oil originated in China. It is a positive and soothing scent which can help prevent car sickness. Orange oil is very relaxing for the mind and can help ease tension headaches. It is good for anyone attempting to balance mind and spirit and orange oil also works well as a fever reducer.
Bergamot Essential Oil
Bergamot can work as an antidepressant by revitalizing an individual while trying to create emotional balance. It can be use as an appetite stimulant and as an aid in digestion. This uplifting oil can help relieve stress, anxiety, and lift someone’s spirit.

Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil
Ylang-Ylang is a balancing oil that can reduce anxiety, help calm anger, and ease depression. This purifying oil works well with lowering blood pressure and alleviating headaches. Ylang-Ylang can reduce frustration and bring about feelings of joy and peacefulness. It can also help in balancing breathing.
Meditation and the use of essential oils can go hand in hand whether it be for healing the mind or body. Merely light the oil lamp at the beginning of the meditation and be prepared to reap all of the benefits this combination provides. Be sure to check out the essential oils contraindications post before using them!