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Get Fit and Have Fun with GoodLife Fitness JILLIAN MICHAELS BODYSHRED™!

I took part in the  JILLIAN MICHAELS BODYSHRED™ class exclusive to GoodLifeFitness and led by Jillian Michaels herself! I was a little nervous at first because I had not been to a gym in ages, but everyone at GoodLife Fitness was nice and friendly. They helped to put my nerves at ease. I also spoke to some of the other winners of this experience while waiting for the class to begin. They were a bit apprehensive as to how well they were going to fair during the class, but, like me, meeting Jillian Michaels and taking a class instructed by her overrode our anxiety about the class. 

Unfortunately, I did not get to meet the GoodLife Fitness JILLIAN MICHAELS BODYSHRED™  contest winner from Ottawa Mommy Club, Natalie Fraser, at the event.  I did communicate with her before and after the class, and she told me that this experience was amazing, and that she had a lot of fun taking part in the class.


Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED™ is a fun 30-minute high-intensity interval/circuit workout that will help me achieve my goal of becoming more fit and tone during shorter workout periods. Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED™ is perfect for a busy mom like me who does not have a lot of time in the day for working out, and I miss being more active and having fun at the same time.

Once we were ushered into the class, we took our places around the room, got our weights from the back of the class, and received some final instructions from Jillian’s assistant instructor before Jillian Michaels came in. When Jillian Michaels did enter the room, all anyone did was roar and cheer that she had arrived! When Jillian Michaels reached the stage, everyone squished themselves as close as they could to hear her speak. She was really nice, she had a huge grin on her face, and we shared a few laughs with her. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and it allowed me not to be as worried about the work-out I was about to experience as much.

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Working out with JILLIAN MICHAELS

The time had finally come to start the class. During the warm-up, we were put through our paces to elevate our heart rates.  I found that most of the moves were easy to do, and it was easy to keep up with the pace of the class.  Jillian Michaels even gave us a head’s up what the next move would be so we would not surprised by the change.

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The core portion of the work-out was a bit of a challenge if you have not experienced a high intensity work-out before. There were some moves I attempted and was not able to execute perfectly, but Jillian Michaels just looked at us and smiled, knowing that you were trying and not giving up. That motivated me to keep doing the work-out.  On the moves I could execute, I was kicking, punching and jumping my heart out to make up for the moves I could not do. Jillian Michaels nodded in my direction during one of these moments. She was also personally interacting with members of the class. Some of these lucky individuals got to punch her hand so they would work harder, or she helped to correct their stance. It was so encouraging; it really made you want to work harder!

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When she announced it was time for the cool down portion of the class, I thought I had heard her wrong. It felt as though we had only started doing the actual work-out. The class had really flown by!  I was just getting into all of the planks, burpies and rock-star jumps we were doing. The moves during this final section of this class were also easy to execute, and Jillian Michaels encouraged us to finish the class strong, telling us not to slack off because we were almost done.

When the class was over, Jillian Michaels gave the class praise for all of the hard work we put into the work-out. After she left, we were given a swag bag by GoodLife Fitness as a thank you for attending the class.

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Once I left the work-out studio, I felt great! Sure, I was sweaty and a bit winded, but I felt energized, as though I could have done a few more minutes, too.

Looking back on the class a few hours later, I still cannot believe how great the GoodLife Fitness JILLIAN MICHAELS BODYSHRED™ work-out was to do. It was fun to meet new people who were at various levels of physical fitness, to complete a 30-minute work-out with heart-pumping music, and of course, to have been instructed by Jillian Michaels herself. This experience convinced me to take more GoodLife Fitness JILLIAN MICHAELS BODYSHRED™  classes so I can continue to work-out and try to achieve my goal of becoming a healthier, more in shape version of myself.

If you are like me, trying to get in shape and have fun doing it, then you should give GoodLife Fitness JILLIAN MICHAELS BODYSHRED™ class a try! Go to GoodLife Fitness JILLIAN MICHAELS BODYSHRED™ if you would like to have more information about the class, watch a video of part of this amazing work-out, or to try a class for yourself!  It is an experience you will never forget!

Disclosure: Although this post has been generously sponsored by GoodLife Fitness, the opinions and language are all my own, and in no way do they reflect GoodLife Fitness.

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