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DK Canada Idiot’s Guides for Canning, Home and Gardening – Reviews

DK Canada Idiot’s Guides for Canning, Home and Gardening – Reviews

 If you’re like me, you probably remember those orange Idiot’s Guides  from the late 90’s. Virtually on every topic imaginable, I’ve borrowed, browsed and bought these books as they suited my interest. But, they’ve changed! I’ve had the opportunity to review two titles from the new line of Idiot’s Guides by DK Canada which includes FULL colour and step by step photos in the books. ‘The Idiot’s Guides to Organizing your Life‘ and ‘The Idiot’s Guides to Canning & Preserving‘ are the two titles I’ve had the opportunity to peruse.

Along with these books, I have the ‘Kitchen Gardening for Beginner’s’ book to showcase as well, from DK Canada’s extensive selection of gardening. Since I’m not a gardener by any means, this title was an obvious choice for myself.


Idiot’s Guides: Organizing your Life, by Cyndy Aldred



I love the photos in this book. Honestly, the steps and projects couldn’t be any clearer. There are many interactive tools in this book, including printable lists, checklists to jot down notes, and DIY projects both big and small. I like how the author includes small, doable projects, such as inserting drawer organizers into existing drawers. One constant in each chapter of the book is “quick tricks” which are little things you can accomplish right away in an effort to organize your life. There are tips galore which obviously draws from the extensive experience author Cyndy Aldred shares with the readers.

From organizing your fridge to organizing a children’s bathroom, there isn’t one area of the house that isn’t covered in this organization book. The ideas are modern and thoughtful and I particularly liked the chapter on entryway organization. But, I could relate to most of the sections and was often nodding or saying “what a great idea!” out loud to my husband. I can see myself using this reference book often and picking it up for guidance and inspiration as we continue the giant task of organizing areas of our home.


Idiot’s Guides: Canning & Preserving, by Trish Sebben-Krupka



I decided to review one book from the line on a topic I know nothing about but have a great deal of interest in pursuing. This summer, I would like to try my hand and canning and preserving, and it looks like I’ve found just the book to help me along.

Another guide filled with vibrant photos, this book covers all the basics and necessities of taking on canning and preserving projects. It doesn’t skimp on the tools needed or the safety precautions to take when canning. For example, there are “Spoiler Alert!” notifications scattered throughout the book, warning the readers of this guide on ways a (homemade) canned good could be ruined. Little tips like this are so important to novice canners like myself. Once you have safety measures underway, there are many canning recipes to choose from, along with conversion charts, and supplies needed. Need a way to use these canned goods? There are more recipes to extend your salsas and jams, too. If you’re unsure of one of the terms used, check out the useful glossary at the back of the book.

Both of these titles in the Idiot’s Guides line really do showcase how they take the guesswork out of everyday interest topics, making one feel less like an idiot.

Check out DK Canada’s Idiot’s Guides boutique for more book ideas!

For more titles in the DK Canada Gardening boutique line, check them out here!

To read more DK Canada book reviews, click HERE!

Disclaimer: I received these books from DK Canada in order to write this review. The opinions expressed are my own.



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  1. Areas of my life that I would love to improve on! I tried canning last year and attempted only jams, but they went well. This year I hope to get the courage up to try peaches (my FAV!). I also plan on expanding my tiny garden to grow more veggies!

  2. no, i wish i did – it is a wonderful art form! Occasionally, i will make some strawberry jam, but nothing more complex than that!

  3. I make the occaisional jam but I have nver had a garden so that I could have things to can. This year however, I will and I am so excited!!

  4. I have in the past, but not for many years. I used to do jams, vegetables, salsas etc. I would like to get back to it.

  5. i haven’t done any canning yet, but I’ve been reading up and learning about it and debating giving it a try this year.

  6. I have always wanted to do some canning. I think it would nice to try some pickles and jams. Great for the kids to learn from.

  7. Last summer I canned for the first time. My plum tree finally produced fruit after many years…and boy did it ever produced a lot! I called a friend and she taught me how to make plum butter, plum jelly and plum jam. I am hooked and would love to learn more about canning and preserving a variety of fruits and vegetables. As for organization skills, I’m lacking and could sure use some help!

  8. I would love to learn the craft of preserving/canning. There are so many fresh veggies and fruit in the summer/fall that could be saved this way.


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