It’s not nice when a young child is being sick. Toddler vomiting can be very distressing for both parents and child alike. Let’s have a look at some of the reasons your toddler is vomiting as well as the causes and some remedies to help with throwing up.
What are the causes of throwing up
Vomiting happens when the stomach forces something out of it. The substance then travels up the gullet to the mouth and out. Normally the cause of the vomiting is nothing serious and is most probably caused by a common cold, the flu, or a stomach virus, and if this is the case, then it should be over within 12 to 24 hours.
Infections and allergies can sometimes make a child throw up. There may be an infection in the ears, urinary tract or even the respiratory tract. Migraines quite often cause sickness in children, and being upset or having a tantrum can be another trigger.
Why would a toddler vomit frequently
Very rarely, if a toddler keeps vomiting frequently and repeatedly, this can be a sign of something more serious. In some cases, the toddler may have an obstruction inside the intestines, kidney failure, or an increased pressure inside the brain or skull. Some more serious illnesses that cause throwing up are Meningitis, Pneumonia, Appendicitis, Coeliac Disease, and even rarer Reye’s Syndrome. Accidental swallowing of a drug, poison, or a toxic substance will make a toddler vomit, and so can digestion of any contaminated water or food.
Toddler vomiting after eating
A young child may have a condition called Acid Reflux. This is quite common actually, and can make them sick frequently. If this is a suspected reason for the vomiting, the toddler should see a doctor, especially if the sickness occurs after food has been eaten. The little one will not be getting sufficient nutrients or energy from food if they are bringing the food back up again after eating, and this itself can make a child ill.
Toddler Vomiting Phlegm
If your child vomits persistently, has bright green phlegm, or the toddler is vomiting blood in the sick, then it is best to get a doctors’ advice.
Remedies for Toddler Vomiting
If the sickness goes on for longer than 12 to 24 hours, it is important to find out the cause, and whatever the reason it should be treated in the appropriate way.
Dehydration should try to be avoided by regular sips of water or ice chips to suck on. Build up to 1 oz an hour, then 2 oz an hour until your toddler is able to drink normally. What actually works best for my children was to dilute apple juice with water and have them sip it.
Pedialyte for Toddler Vomiting
Your pediatrician may recommend a commercial rehydration solution like Pedialyte to help your toddler rehydrate after vomiting. This product will help with replacing lost sodium and potassium.
Intravenous Rehydration
Your child may not want to eat, this is ok for a little while, but if this goes on for a long time and well over 24 hours, then an intravenous drip may be prescribed at hospital to administer fluids. If you suspect hydration, please contact your family doctor or pediatrician.
Symptoms of dehydration include:
- reduced urine output
- dry lips and tongue
- dry wrinkled skin
- rapid breathing
- dry eyes
- cool and blotchy feet and hands
When To Seek Medical Help
Also, if the little child has any of the following: fever, rash, headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea, drowsiness, is dehydrated, has sunken eyes, and does not pass urine for more than six hours, please bring your child to seek immediate medical attention.