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Disney On Ice: Rockin’ Ever After – A Review

As soon as we sat in our seats for Disney on Ice: Rockin’ Ever After, my daughter noticed lanterns hidden high up near the lights and then the excitement took over, “Mom! Look! Rapunzel’s birthday lanterns!” Her enthusiasm remained for the duration of the two hour show.

The show begins with about a dozen talented skaters in colourful costumes, rocking it out while the audience took to their seats and prepared themselves for the show’s main stars. The hosts, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, along with their good pals Donald Duck and Goofy, narrate the show and not only introduce the princesses and characters, but also help tell the stories.

The main princesses featured in the show are Ariel, Rapunzel, Merida, and Belle. Surprisingly, Cinderella didn’t make much of an appearance, but my daughter was very impressed by the wicked stepsisters’ colourful dresses and excellent skating abilities.

Also colourful were the costumes of Ariel’s sisters who, along with Sebastien, introduce The Little Mermaid herself. The entire Little Mermaid segment is very colourful and eye-catching. I think The Little Mermaid segment was my favourite part of the entire ice show.

Ariel’s, along with the other stories, are abbreviated, which is great for the young crowd anxiously awaiting the appearance of their favourite princess. And while the show is mainly about the princesses, Gaston, from The Beauty and the Beast, had a wonderful solo act and was merely one of many talented male skaters that were a part of Disney On Ice: Rockin’ Ever After.

Another unexpected star of the show was the horse, Maximus from Tangled. My daughter couldn’t help but giggle every time the horse came out – after all, it’s not every day that you see a horse on skates. Seeing a horse on ice was not the only surprising thing about the show. I was surprised by what was highlighted from certain films, such as the tough guys from the movie Tangled, but was even more surprising was how well it worked and how it made Rapunzel’s eventual entrance a complete surprise for my daughter.

My daughter was also in awe of the fireworks caused by Merida’s excellent archery skills and while we didn’t get to see a bear skate, she is still laughing at her brothers skating while sitting in barrels. While I wished the ice show would have included more scenes from Brave, the fireworks were memorable enough that my daughter didn’t seem to care.

It was nice to have an entire ice show for fans of the princess movies and I felt ticket prices were reasonable and we definitely got our money’s worth. Of course, like any show there is merchandise for sale everywhere you look and while I couldn’t resist buying some Rapunzel souvenirs for my Tangled fan, I did groan a little before handing over my money.

In summary, if you’re looking for a fun show to take your kids to, Disney on Ice: Rockin’ Ever After is a fun-filled musical ice show that will not disappoint – just remember to put on your dancing shoes, because this ice show features great toe-tapping music that will have you moving the entire time.

Tracy (Redefined)
Tracy (Redefined)http://www.VirtualOfficeResources.ca
In addition to being a freelance writer and blogger, Tracy is a virtual assistant specializing in marketing and communication at VirtualOfficeResources.ca. She is also a devoted mother to an imaginative daughter and wife to her best friend of more than fifteen years. In her spare time she enjoys baking, kayaking, snowshoeing, walking her energetic Australian Shepherd, and cuddling with her perpetually grumpy cat. Depending on the time of day, Tracy's downtime is spent with a good book and hot cup of fair trade coffee or a glass of Canadian red wine.

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