If you were the kid who loved babysitting, tutoring or working as a camp counselor in high school, you may have a calling to work with kids. As you may already know, working with children is not for the faint of heart. Not everyone has the patience and the energy to put up with the boundless energy, moodiness and unpredictability of children. If this is something you thrive on, then you may want to consider one of these careers.

Careers For Working With Children
It may seem like an obvious profession, but teaching isn’t a career to be taken lightly. Teaching requires specific skills that only a fortunate few have. If you’re interested in becoming a teacher, try volunteering in a classroom. The differences between managing a classroom of first graders, middle school students and high school students is staggering. You might find that you have a gift for communicating with small children or becoming a mentor to older students. That’s because when it comes to teaching, there is no one-size-fits-all approach.
If you’re not good at teaching preschoolers, you may find better luck connecting to older students, and vice versa. To be an effective teacher, you need to have a strong sense of leadership, communication, empathy and patience. You can develop curriculums, come up with fun activities, and attend conferences that help you become better at your craft. Over time, you may decide to pursue a career as a school administrator of principal. Explore opportunities for growth in this field in order to have a positive impact on your students.

Pediatric Nurse
Nurses have one of the most challenging yet rewarding careers. Pediatric nurses work with children in hospitals or doctors’ offices to perform routine check-ups and care for illnesses. In order to be a successful nurse, you must have a true calling to help people and endure sometimes grueling circumstances. Pediatric nurses have the opportunity to save thousands of lives over the course of their career, but it doesn’t come without times of hardship. There are many times that pediatric nurses have to work with children who have severe and sometimes incurable illnesses. What nurses do is provide an invaluable resource to the families of the community, which is rewarding in itself. If you decide to become a nurse, you will have to pursue a nursing degree. Nurses go through years of coursework and interning, but the hard work pays off every day a nurse has the opportunity to help a child in need.
Child Psychologists
The role of a child psychologist is to observe the behaviour of children in order to maintain their mental health. Most child psychologists choose to work in childcare services, but many also work in schools or in private practices. Child psychologists have the difficult task of decoding and understanding a child’s mind in order to diagnose and solve a problem. Most young children don’t have the maturity to communicate clearly, so psychologists often use different techniques to help a child open up. Child psychologists typically go to school to specialize in a certain form of therapy or mental disorder. Family psychologists treat children in a holistic sense—that is, solve the issue by understanding and changing the family dynamic. Like nursing, psychologists go through years of schooling, and most require a doctoral degree.
Juvenile Justice Attorney
A juvenile justice attorney is someone who has a legal license to represent a minor in court. People who become justice attorneys have a passion for representing people under the protection of the law and bringing justice to those who suffer. Juvenile justice attorneys have the ability to work as both defendants and prosecutors to maintain the legal rights of whom they represent. Many attorneys will often engage in multidisciplinary studies to specialize in representing certain cases—such as immigration or divorce—to pursue a cause close to their heart. Attorneys endure years of education and often go to law school to prepare themselves for the BAR exam.
When it comes to working with children, there are many careers with high demand. Explore these careers to find which is best for you.
When I was younger, I wanted to work as a Juvenile Justice Attorney. Still do but lots of schooling I can’t afford.
Some other child oriented careers are; Early Childhood Educator, Child Life Specialist, many kinds of therapists, one type being a Speech Therapist, or a career with child sports or recreation, music, dance, the arts, educational, recreational or sports camps, a child oriented librarian… and I’m sure there are a few others.
Another possible career is a pediatric physician. It is also a great way to interact with children.
Yes, great career!
Yes, there are lots of professions involving children. One of my sons is a teacher (a very stressful & time-consuming job) another is a coach for soccer and the third helps out at a school when they need additional assistance with skating for example. They all love children and enjoy participating.