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Let Kids Relax and Imagine with The Bodhi Tree And Stacey – Review

My kids can be, well, a bit rambunctious. They like to get outside and run around, exploring the world in front of them. They are also captivated by all of the sights and sounds around them when they are out and about at school or when running errands with me. Since they are 4 and 3 years old, they find it hard sometimes to calm themselves down. We use colouring or reading as methods to help relax themselves when they start to become a bit hard to handle, but we are always on the look-out for new ways to have our kids learn to calm down. When asked to review The Bodhi Tree and Stacey, I was excited to see how my kids would take to this kind of relaxation exercise.


The Bodhi Tree and Stacey aims to inspire, educate and bring out a sense of mindfulness in children. It is a way for children to breakaway from all of the stimulus they are facing in their lives and to help them relax their mind. Stacey created and narrated stories to teach children a life skill in an age appropriate and imaginative medium. She uses guided meditation in her audio files to encourage children to use their imagination to find their own inner calm and tranquility.

Stacey also uses the concept of metta, a loving kindness practice used to bring about a boundless warm-hearted feeling in the child, their loved ones and each of the creatures as they follow Stacey along on these journeys. They offer monthly subscription packages at different levels of involvement for children to have a meaningful experience while putting their mind at ease.

Here are my little ones.

It was a rainy and gloomy day when we first tried listening to The Bodhi Tree and Stacey. We listened to the Quiet Ocean story available on their website. Each story takes about five minutes to listen to, so it is a great way to have my kids break away from being cooped up inside all day. I had my kids make themselves comfortable on the floor in our living room. After Stacey introduced herself, she asked the kids to close their eyes and that they could either sit or lay down while being taken on their adventure.

Stacey then took my kids on a fun underwater adventure. They got to imagine that they were holding on to the fin of a dolphin as they greeted different kinds of animals and plant life. She also asked them to wish them well, which I thought was fantastic. I have my kids try to think about the feelings of others, and to have someone else reinforce this way of thinking is a breath of fresh air. They also liked  trying to reach out to feel the animals and plants they were passing.

They had a lot of fun swimming under the sea and going along on this fun adventure. At the end of this tale, Stacey had the children breathe slowly to bring them back to our world. Once the story was over, my kids seemed more relaxed. They sat themselves on one of our couches and started to talk about the journey they just took, and talked about their favourite parts.


I had my kids listen to this story three other times. My son, who is three years-old had a harder time staying focused as he may not be fully ready to listen to the same story a fourth time through. My four year-old daughter loved this story! She loved trying to hold on to her dolphin friend and waving to the creatures she encountered each time we took a break away from the world with The Bodhi Tree and Stacey. I went through the list of other stories that are available on their website, and she cannot wait to follow Stacey on her adventures to the stars.

Overall, my kids enjoyed being guided on an adventure with The Bodhi Tree and Stacey. They liked being able to pretend to be under the sea and making new friends in their imagination. They were quiet and got to put their mind at ease for a few minutes, which gave me a bit of a break as well. It was fun without the noise and distraction that my kids need to have once in a while.

For more information about The Bodhi Tree and Stacey you can visit them on your website as well as on their Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest pages!

Disclaimer: I was compensated by The Bodhi Tree and Stacey for this review. The reviews expressed are my own.

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  1. I am SO excited to be featured here and to see which of my stories have peaked your interest. I look forward to hearing who wins! Sending my silent wishes to you all. May your hearts be peaceful and happy.

    Love Stacey


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