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Nutrition On The Go With Nutribar Meal Replacement Bars

Nutrition On The Go With Nutribar Meal Replacement Bars

The first time I ate a Nutribar was when I was a sales representative travelling across Eastern and Central Ontario. I was on the road driving for long hours or visiting clients. My eating schedule was all out of whack and I found myself eating on the go and grabbing junk food. I also started gaining weight because I was sitting in my car for such a prolonged time and too tired in the evening to do much. My energy level was low and I felt sleepy during the day. I decided to change my eating habits and look for meal replacement bars that I could eat on the road.


Nutrition On The Go With NutribarPin
Nutribar Original Meal Replacement bars


While shopping at a drug store, I came across Nutribar and decided to try them. The bars were rich in flavours and tasty, and they also kept my hunger away for hours. Even today, I try my best to eat healthy most of the time, but with my hectic lifestyle and family schedule, I don’t always have time to prepare a healthy meal. I find that Nutribar has all the nutrients I need in a meal when I am on the go. I don’t feel sluggish anymore and I keep the pounds off!

Nutribar Difference

Not all nutrition bars are created equal. “We all know that keeping up a healthy lifestyle in today’s 24-7 world isn’t easy and it’s even more challenging when it comes to maintaining or losing weight,” said Brenda Embree, Nutribar Brand Manager. “No one can deny that eating a healthy, balanced diet of whole foods is optimal, but who has the time to consistently prepare proper meals three times a day, every day?” That’s where Nutribar meal replacement bars come in. As opposed to protein bars that are intended as a snack to manage hunger between meals and may not have an optimal nutritional breakdown, Nutribar meal replacement bars provide “Nutrition on the Go”.  The bars deliver all the essential vitamins and minerals, protein, carbs and fat found in a completely balanced whole foods meal without the required time and energy to prepare it.”


Nutrition On The Go With NutribarPin
Nutribar High Protein Meal Replacement bar


Also unlike protein bars, Nutribar meal replacement bars are regulated under Canadian government guidelines and approved by Health Canada. What’s more, clinical studies show that Nutribar meal replacement bars satisfy hunger and cravings for up to five hours, eliminating the desire to snack between meals. 

According to Embree, replacing one meal a day with a Nutribar meal replacement bar not only saves time, but also helps maintain a healthy weight. Replacing two meals a day with a Nutribar meal bar has been clinically shown to lead to weight loss of up to eight pounds over six weeks. “Complete Nutribar meal replacement bars with nutritious eating the rest of the day as well as a regular exercise plan, and you’ve got yourself an optimal healthy lifestyle that fits into a busy schedule,” she said.

Nutribar Format and Flavours

Nutribar meal replacement bars are available in two formats: Original and High Protein for those with a more active lifestyle. Original flavours include Belgian ChocolateChocolate FudgeChocolate Peanut ButterCreamy CaramelDeep Brownie DelightHazelnut VanillaMocha Almond and Oatmeal Raisin. High Protein flavours include Caramel Nougat Chocolate TemptationChocolate TruffleDouble ChocolateMilk Chocolate Peanut, and Peanut Delight.

Retail price is approximately $3 per bar. For a list of retailers, visit www.nutribar.com. As of April, Nutribar meal replacement bars will be available for purchase online at www.nutribar.comAlso available for online purchase will be additional Nutribar products, including NutribarShakes, Nutribar Type 2 Brand for diabetes management and all-natural, gluten-free Nutribar Health bars.

Have  you tried the Nutribar? How did you like them?

This blog post was sponsored by Nutribar. Opinions are my own.




Lyne Proulx
Lyne Proulxhttps://ottawamommyclub.ca/
Lyne Proulx is a Certified WEBB Bodywork Pet Practitioner, Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI), Certified Professional Wedding Consultant, and an Event Planner. She loves all things Disney and is an avid teaholic and chocoholic. She coordinated the Annual Infant Information Day/Early Years Expo for the City of Ottawa for 8 years. She was the Queen B of the BConnected Conference, Canada's Digital Influencer and social media Conference in Ottawa and Toronto. She was also the co-chair of the Navan for Kraft Hockeyville 2009-2011 committee that organized five community events within 6 months, and helped Navan reach the top 10 finalists in Canada. In April 2011, she received the City of Ottawa Mayor's City Builder Award.

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  1. The caramel nougat also sounds really good , I would like to try that as well as the chocolate peanut butter .

  2. wanted to let you know that my twitter account got suspended because I was tweeting automated tweets, have a new one now, b1nabu6, jsut have to start adding people until i hit the 2000 limit i think it is


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