My Girls are Huge fans of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! They love to sing and dance with the music and play along with show. When my older daughter was 2 she would call out ” ooooh Tooooooodles” sometimes as she played with her toys. I have always enjoyed watching the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show with the kids because it is not only fun but also educational. When we heard about the newest Mickey Mouse Clubhouse : The Quest For Crystal Mickey DVD, we were really excited to review it.

Your favourite Clubhouse friends are back in this magical adventure. That tricky cat, Pete is back to his old tricks and steals the Crystal Mickey statue from the Clubhouse. Now the magic of the Clubhouse is starting to disappear and it is up to “Kansas City Mickey” – with the help of his friends- to retrieve the Crystal Mickey statue and save the clubhouse.
My kids loved the catchy music tunes, laughed at the funny jokes, and had fun guessing what “Mousketool Mickey would use to get the gang out of sticky situations in the Sandy Desert, Rushing River and Hidden Jungle.
Check out this preview for the movie:
Included on the DVD were also a few of our other favorite episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
1) Donald and the Desert
2) Donald the Genie
3) Goofy’s Coconutty Monkey
4) Goofy’s Giant Adventure
There is an adventure for every child big or small on this DVD packed with 120 minutes of entertainment. Hitting the shelves May 21st – Be sure to get your copy of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: The Quest For Crystal Mickey!