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Easily Use Feng Shui To Declutter Your House

Although most of us look at cleaning and organizing as a chore, it’s important to realize that our home and the way we live in plays a huge role in our life. So, let’s have a look at how to easily use Feng Shui to declutter your house.


Feng Shui Benefits Of Decluttering

Feng Shui and decluttering go hand in hand. Why? Because clutter literally means “to block” in old English. There’s no faster way to block and stagnate energy from circulating around your home than to have it filled with clutter.

If you’re ready to start making more money, find a happy relationship, or even just experience a better mood, then look no further than your own home. You’ll be amazed at the change when you whole-heartedly start getting rid of clutter.

Decluttering with feng shui

Much of the literature written on Feng Shui is about Feng Shui cures you add to the home to create balance and harmony. Before you add a quick Feng Shui cure, clear the clutter, and remove hazardous Feng Shui items from the home.

The main objective of Feng Shui is to align your home with your life goals. Often our homes are not symbolic of our desires. It is best to have a simple home and to add to it rather than have a home overflowing with clutter and unwanted items.

Feng shui ways to declutter your home

If we’re living in a dirty, cluttered environment, we’re going to feel bogged down, out of control, and perhaps depressed. If, however, we’re living in a clean, well-organized space, we’re going to feel uplifted, empowered, and confident. Our home represents who we are at our deepest level, and it’s important we show ourselves and others that we’re moving through life in a positive, assertive direction. We are sharing below ways to declutter your home with Feng Shui.

Feng Shui Decluttering Tips

Here are a few tips on decluttering your house to help get you started!

1. Start In The room That Bothers You The Most

You know the one! It’s the room you cringe every time you go into, and the room that you shut off when guests come to visit. Whether you realize it or not, this room is really weighing you down, both physically and mentally. Let’s tackle this one first.

2. What If You Have A Hard Time Getting Rid of Your Personal Belongings?

Many people have a hard time getting rid of “stuff”. But this “stuff” is taking up a lot of your energy and peace of mind! Ask yourself this: if all of these items were destroyed by a fire or flood, would you miss them? If you’re honest with yourself, you can clear out a lot of you clutter with just that one question.

3. Swap Items With Friends

If there are some things you find really hard to get rid of but don’t have a use for, try setting up a swap with friends. Books, blankets, small pieces of furniture, or clothing could all be “shared custody” items. This is a great way to pass on pieces you’re emotionally attached to.

4. Why Am I Decluttering?

As you’re decluttering, keep repeating to yourself WHY you’re doing this. Your intention is just as important as the physical decluttering. If you’re looking for money making opportunities, or just want a less stressful life, keep this in mind as you go along.


Feng Shui In Your Home: Feng shui home layout

Each home is divided into nine sectors to symbolize important life attributes called a Bagua Map. The nine life areas; wealth, fame, personal relationships, creativity/children, helpful people/travel, career, knowledge, family, and health are all interlinked. The simplest Feng Shui cure is to take away the old before you bring in new.


Remove the listed items in each of the nine specific life areas. Work on one life area at time, otherwise it will be too overwhelming and exhausting to practice Feng Shui in the home.

Feng Shui Bagua 9 Life Areas To Declutter

To help you with the Feng Shui house Bagua Map, you can use a compass or download a compass app to your cellphone.

Wealth (South East): Broken Items, dead plants, dried flowers, trash cans, toilets, dirt and clutter, items of your negative past experiences, empty boxes.

Fame (South): Water, mirrors, shiny things, reflective surfaces, black, dark blue, water fountains, objects that represent your past.

Personal Relationships (South West): Frigid stuff, unfriendly, solo and negative images. Games, storage, single items, pairs that are mismatched (giraffe with a mouse), clutter.

Creativity/Children (West): Pointy objects, fire, red, triangular items, angry images, violent scenes (even the artistic ones).

Helpful People/ Travel (North West): Trash cans, dirt, dust, drains, junk, clutter, brilliant red, reminders of bad times.

Career (North): Squares, earth tone colours, dirt, clutter, images of what you do not desire (old pictures working at the grocery store…).

Knowledge (North East): clutter, negative images and literature.

Family (East): round items, shiny and reflective objects, white, unhealthy plants.

Health (Center): Sharp edges, squares, columns, spiral staircases, and any greens that are unhealthy looking (army green, puke green)

Before you place any cure, make a list of the things that are not working in a specific life area. Some of the best cures are not adding an element, but taking one away.

Easily Use Feng Shui To Declutter Your HousePin

Feng Shui has been around for thousands of years, and with good reason. The state of your home and its energy says a good deal about who you are as a person, and what problems/successes you’re currently experiencing. Getting rid of clutter in your house by using Feng Shui is the first step in achieving a life filled with joy and balance. Good luck!

Lyne Proulx
Lyne Proulxhttps://ottawamommyclub.ca/
Lyne Proulx is a Certified WEBB Bodywork Pet Practitioner, Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI), Certified Professional Wedding Consultant, and an Event Planner. She loves all things Disney and is an avid teaholic and chocoholic. She coordinated the Annual Infant Information Day/Early Years Expo for the City of Ottawa for 8 years. She was the Queen B of the BConnected Conference, Canada's Digital Influencer and social media Conference in Ottawa and Toronto. She was also the co-chair of the Navan for Kraft Hockeyville 2009-2011 committee that organized five community events within 6 months, and helped Navan reach the top 10 finalists in Canada. In April 2011, she received the City of Ottawa Mayor's City Builder Award.

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