- ElvisHuang / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND
Most people objected to my decision of having a normal delivery of my second child, after a C-section for my firstborn. I was adamant. I wanted a healthy, normal delivery for my second child. The first pregnancy and delivery had been a tricky affair. However, it didn’t affect my first born, who is healthy and thriving. Touchwood! My plan for normal delivery put me on a reading spree. I scoured books on normal childbirth, suggested foods and exercise!
Exercise should be started within the first trimester or second trimester to get you well on the path of normal delivery. Significant research has been done on the benefits of exercising during pregnancy. It is considered safe for both mama and the fetus. My extensive reading brought me several solutions, which have to be started from the first or second trimester. The top five favorite was
- Kegel Exercises: The muscles that support bladder, uterus and bowels are strengthened by practicing Kegel exercises. During pregnancy, strengthening of these muscles is beneficial for labor and birth.The pelvic muscles are used to push the baby out at the time of the delivery. The correct muscle group is identified by stopping the urinary stream for a few counts.It is advised to practice this 3-4 times a day. It takes duration of minimum six weeks for the pelvic muscles to become stronger.
- Yoga: Yoga has been a popular way to a healthy lifestyle. It is helpful in pregnancy and gives the body the necessary endurance to have a normal delivery. Yoga provides elasticity in the body which is much needed during delivery. The breathing exercises in Yoga help the mother and baby for better respiration and come handy during delivery. It also calms the frazzled nerves and reduces stress that is induced in pregnancy.It helps in striking a balance of physical and mental well being. A mother’s moods, temperament is known to affect the baby.
- Walking: Taking your toddler and hubby to the neighborhood park is the healthiest trick to ease your delivery. A solitary walk will also help you revel in the moment of carrying your baby inside and experience the bliss. This basic form of exercise keeps the excess fat off during your baby bump days. Also, keeps your and the baby’s weight in check. An overweight baby is difficult to deliver the normal way. Walking keeps the pregnancy blood pressure at bay and keeps you physically fit. It is an effective stress busting solution during pregnancy.
- Swimming Or Aquatic Activity: Pregnancy during hot summer months definitely calls for water exercises. Swimming and other sports like water aerobics, water walking are great ways to exercise during pregnancy without overheating. It is an excellent cardiovascular exercise and the cushioning effect of water prevents any injury. Water exercising is ideal for fitness and alleviates symptoms of back pain and leg swelling experienced by pregnant women. The cool waters are always an inviting ground for exercise.
- Power Squats: Squatting is the easiest and comfortable exercise to practice for childbirth. It provides strength while improving balance and flexibility. The Indian style toilet posture helps in loosening and contracting pelvic muscles. Squats lessen the delivery pain and make it easier to have a normal childbirth. Squatting can be done with the aid of a ball or by leaning against a tree.
A normal delivery can definitely be achieved by adequate measures in terms of exercise, food, habits etc. Exercising and being fit throughout the pregnancy is the key to a healthy baby and comfortable delivery. However, you’ve to avoid high intensity workouts and exercise in moderation. The intensity standard and interpretation varies as it is dependent on your fitness levels. Also, activities that have a risk of falling should be avoided at all levels.
Alternating these activities during my pregnancy helped me achieve my dream labor. I gave birth to a healthy girl and was out of the nursing home in a day. Trusting my gut about the delivery was essential to me. Most often, we go by what everyone says and give in to the surrounding pressure. Normal delivery is any day a healthier choice, as compared to C-section.
“I am Aradhana. I am a passionate writer and love to write on topics like parenting, wellness, health and lifestyle. I believe good health is the key to success and happiness. I am a contributor for natural news, elephant journal, naturally savvy, curejoy and MomJunction.com. Through my writings, I want to motivate people to develop healthy habits and adopt natural ways of living to achieve sound health.”
Glad you were able to have a successful natural labor, great tips!
thanks for the great tips
I didn’t know these exercises and will definitely find them useful in the future!
My daughter had a C-section for her first child and then a natural birth for her second. It certainly beats the pain and discomfort she suffered from the C-section. Anyone who has the chance should try for a natural birth, you get over it so much quicker and even forget the pain you went through to hold your bundle of joy in your arms 🙂
Aquatic Activity is the one I want to try next time when going to be pregnant, plus we have a really good pool for it.
Thanks for the interesting read
I had my children through natural childbirth and I have never regretted it. This is a great article. Thank you.
I didn’t know these exercises when I could have used them but my friend is due in Nov.with pass on to her
Thanks these are all great exercises to help delivery go more smoothly
I find Kegel Exercises are the most helpful along with other ones in a combination!