As a naturopathic doctor, I always advocate for prevention of disease. Therefore, teaching you the warning signs that a mole needs to be looked at by a dermatologist will help prevent skin cancer from developing in yourself and your children.
Prevention of melanoma and other skin cancers can be done by checking your skin for moles and freckles on a regular basis, preferably once a month.
Skin checks are especially important if you are fair skinned, work outdoors, or have a family history of cancer.
The following is a summary of the ABC’s of skin cancer prevention:
A is for Asymmetry
What shape is your mole? Is it a circle, an oval, or just a blob? If you draw a line down the middle do both sides match or is one larger than the other?
If both sides are not the same shape and size, it should be looked at by a doctor.
B is for Borders
Look at the edges of the mole. Is it red, jagged, or poorly defined?
If you answered yes to any of the above, it should be looked at by a doctor.
C is for Colour
Moles are typically an even brown colour throughout.
Is your mole darker in some parts and lighter in others? Is it black, red, white or blue? Does it bleed?
If you answered yes to any of the above, it should be looked at by a doctor.
D is for Diameter
Take a ruler and measure the diameter from one side of the mole to the other.
Melanoma is usually greater than 6 millimetres (the approximate size of a pencil eraser).
If your mole is larger than 6 mm or smaller but has other changes, it should be looked at by a doctor.
E is for Elevation or Evolution
If your mole is flat and unchanging it is less likely to be cancerous.
If it is elevated or is changing in any way mentioned above, it should be looked at by a doctor.
Remember to do a skin check once per month! It can also be helpful to take photos for comparison.
Have a wonderful summer!
Thanks for the helpful checklist!
Easy to remember tips – thanks!
Thanks for the tips, with the alphabetical memory trick.
Easy to remember checklist,thank you!
This is a great reminder esp for all us used to be sun fans
Thank you for the reminder, we need to look out for ourselves and our families.
I know a lot of 50 something people who were rather carefree with the skin care when they were younger, they regret it now
Thanks so much for this post,so very helpful