It can be difficult teaching a child how to apologize. Many kids are not very good at saying that they are sorry and might just not understand the concept of it. The following are some strategies and tips on how to teach your child to apologize and learn to say sorry.

1. Read Books About Apologizing To Your Child
Fortunately, you are not the only one that has faced this difficulty. In order to help, a lot of people get books about saying you’re sorry. By reading these books, children can often get the idea of what it is to apologize and why it is so important.
You can go to your local bookseller, like Chapters Indigo Books, and ask for titles on apologizing or say sorry, or alternatively you can search on the Internet. You can put in keywords and you are likely to come up with some books.
2. Let Your Child Watch Television Programs About Saying They Are Sorry
There are many children’s television programs that touch upon saying you’re sorry. You can search these out and let your children see them. Seeing their favourite characters own up to something they did wrong might help encourage them to do the same in their own life.

3. Say You Are Sorry When You Do Something Wrong
A lot of children do not learn by being told to do something but instead by being shown how to do it. When the parents apologize (at appropriate times of course), then the children might learn that this is the right thing to do when you make a mistake or do something wrong. They will learn when it is the correct time to do it.
4. Have The Child Role-play
You can role-play with the child different scenarios showing when it is important to say that you are sorry. This can help the children understand the times when this should be said at a time when they are not upset about something.
If you are trying to teach them right after they have done something wrong, then they are often emotional. This can remove that component and might make it easier for them to say it themselves.

It can be a parenting challenge to teach a child to say that they are sorry. Sometimes the best thing to do is just to talk to them and explain why it is important. You can also try any one or a combination of the above techniques.
Great suggestions! Teaching children to be empathetic and the need to apologize is so important.
This is awesome advice Its important to know when to apologize