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Aboriginal Experiences – Turtle Island

Share a journey through Canadian history and arts with unique and interactive programs celebrating Native culture and contributions. Native music, dance, craft making and legends include an interpreted tour of the native village. The Village located just behind Parliament Hill is open June 15 to Labour Day. Voted best New Attraction and Developed Outdoor Site in Ontario 2001 by Attractions Canada.

Location: Victoria Island, Ottawa (near new Canadian War Museum)
Info:  613-235-2091



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Lyne Proulx
Lyne Proulxhttps://ottawamommyclub.ca/
Lyne Proulx is a Certified WEBB Bodywork Pet Practitioner, Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI), Certified Professional Wedding Consultant, and an Event Planner. She loves all things Disney and is an avid teaholic and chocoholic. She coordinated the Annual Infant Information Day/Early Years Expo for the City of Ottawa for 8 years. She was the Queen B of the BConnected Conference, Canada's Digital Influencer and social media Conference in Ottawa and Toronto. She was also the co-chair of the Navan for Kraft Hockeyville 2009-2011 committee that organized five community events within 6 months, and helped Navan reach the top 10 finalists in Canada. In April 2011, she received the City of Ottawa Mayor's City Builder Award.

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