Is it Spring? Really? I think I must be dreaming! This winter seemed to be one of the longest I can remember but the weather is getting beautiful and the sun is shining, it must be Spring. It’s time to open up those windows that have been closed for the last six months… or longer, let in the crisp cool air and start cleaning. Spring is actually a time that I enjoy cleaning. but after this exceptionally long winter, spring cleaning seems a little daunting. I have found that using these few tips to help clean the smart way gets the job done in a breeze.

5 Tips To Spring Clean The Smart Way
Let’s get organized
Organizing and planning before you start cleaning will save you a lot of time. Make sure you have everything you need before hand. Don’t start windows only to run out of window cleaner mid job. You’ll get off track and the cleaning drags on. So, gather up your garbage bags, rags, cleaners, yard tools and anything you’ll be using to clean. Run to the store to stock up before hand.
Good bye clutter
Before you even start to clean, take the time to de-clutter and get rid of all the junk you may be hording. The best way to deal with this overwhelming job is to do a room a day. It’s really worth the trouble and makes the cleaning process go a lot easier. So, get yourself three bins or bags, one for each: storage, donate and trash. This is a great time to donate those clothes you haven’t worn since high school, throw away toys with missing pieces and pack away your winter clothes until next year, hopefully.
Get your clean on!
Here’s how I go about my Spring cleaning. I start with all the jobs I don’t really like, well that would be most of them, but the fridge (you know those science experiments? need I say more) and the oven are my least favourites. Get those appliances clean first, oh by the way, I clean my dishwasher up too. You can’t believe how much better it feels to have the appliance spic and span.

Do you Spring clean your bathroom?
Next, attack the bathrooms. Bathrooms shouldn’t be a big job, hopefully you aren’t waiting until Spring to clean them, that’s kind of yuck! Your vanity, drawers and towel closet should be done already with the purge you did. You did de-clutter the bathrooms too right?
Windows are such a pain
Windows are time-consuming but if you’re like me and wipe them off time to time (thanks to little handprints), then it’s not so bad. Scrub those tracks and polish that glass until it sparkles! Don’t forget the window treatments! We use windshield washer fluid for outside of the windows, does an amazing job!
The easy stuff are things I clean regularly like the floors and walls. They can’t wait for a major clean up to get done so they don’t take so much time. Once I have my indoor space complete, I get outside and work on the deck, windows and yard.

Keep it simple, don’t panic if you don’t get it all done, there’s always next Spring …. and who wants to worry so much about cleaning when it’s so nice outside 🙂
Do you have any tips to help Spring clean the smart way?
I like the exterior window idea – we usually just spray them down with the pressure washer, but I’m thinking that adding the windshield wash will make for a better shine! 🙂
This year, the process of decluttering is insane! We’re redoing the basement.
I love decluttering! It’s my favourite part!
I never thought of adding the windshield wash to help clean the outside windows
There is nothing i like better than being organized,it makes life so much easier.
Spring cleaning and getting organized are something I love to do because I love my house to be organized and clean but I agree windows are such a pain.