Ah, Fall! Truly the perfect season for bundling up in sweaters, cozying up by the fireplace as a perfect escape from the cold, picking pumpkins and/or apples at your local farm, and…..achooooo! Unfortunately, with Fall, also comes another season we all dread. You might have guessed it already: yucky cold and flu season! Despite our best efforts to prevent it, catching a nasty case of the sniffles is often beyond our control, and retreating to bed with plenty of water, warm, herbal tea and a seemingly endless supply of tissues always seems to be the perfect home remedy.

While you wait for your immune system to claim victory, there are a few things you can do to help you feel better and get back during the cold and flu season and be on your feet sooner!
Six Tips for Symptom Relief this Cold and Flu Season

1. Clear that stuffy nose!
- Having a blocked nose can definitely be one of the worst parts about being sick! If cold medications still leave you feeling stuffed up, try pairing them with a saline spray like hydraSense®. hydraSense® is 100% naturally-sourced seawater that is clinically proven to reduce and relieve nasal congestion so you can breathe better and concentrate on getting the rest you need.

2. Soothe your throat!
- Sucking on ice chips (or better yet, yummy popsicles!) can temporarily relieve a sore and scratchy throat by calming the inflammation causing you pain and discomfort upon swallowing or coughing. If that isn’t working well enough for you, other methods to consider are gargling salt water and sipping on herbal tea with a dash of honey.
3. Take on some light exercise!
- I know what you’re thinking: who feels like exercising when they’re sick? But did you know that light exercise can actually help clear up your nasal congestion? Unless you happen to be very contagious and/or are experiencing either chills, fever, or fatigue, consider taking a brief walk outside to clear your mind and help you feel restored instead of staying inside all day; however, be sure not to overdo it. Getting the rest your body needs is just as equally important to beat the cold and flu season!
4. Remember to stay hydrated and get some rest!
- Don’t feel guilty about taking the day off to feel better! Stressing while what you may be missing in school or at work during your cold and flu won’t help you feel any better. So relax, take it easy, and remember to drink plenty of fluids! Whether it be tea or water, staying hydrated will prevent dehydration and keep your throat from getting dry! It’s a win-win situation!
5. Clean up those germs!
- Nobody is interested in catching whatever bug you’ve caught, especially close friends and family members! Prevent the spread of bacteria by cleaning surfaces with antibacterial wipes/sprays and by keeping your hands disinfected with hand sanitizer. Keep in mind, however, that the best way to prevent the spread of gems is by washing your hands frequently throughout the day with soap and water!
6. Give your body a (delicious) boost!

When you’re sick during the cold and flu season, making nutritious meals may feel like more of a chore. If your sick-day meals are more microwave friendly than health conscious, it’s also important to make sure you’re getting the nutrients you need with the help of a multivitamin. If you’re not a fan of pills, try One A Day® Gummies. They taste great and help the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins. For some added Vitamin C, pop Redoxon® into a ½ glass of cold water. You get 10 oranges worth of vitamin C in one tablet†!
Nobody likes having to go to the store while they’re sick! This cold and flu season, stock up with the help of this handy Cold & Flu Season Checklist! You’ll have the reassurance of knowing you’re ready for the upcoming winter with the added bonus list of which symptoms to look out for!
To download the free printable PDF, click on the picture below!
Which home remedies do you use to help relieve your cold and flu symptoms? Share below!
This post is sponsored by Bayer. To make sure these products are right for you, always read and follow the label.
†Equivalent to the vitamin C of 10 raw oranges. Data on file. When diet is not enough – Redoxon is not meant to replace food.
My home remedy is to take a spoonful of honey three times a day. It really works. Honey is a natural antibiotic.
I drink chicken soup and hot lemon to help relieve my cold and flu symptoms.
tea with honey & lemon
I double up on vits D and C to help fight the cold and flu.
We gargle with salt water and eat chicken noodle soup.
I find that drinking warm water, chicken noodles soup and wash my hands frequently helps
We use honey as a home remedy.
We always use Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup, not sure if it works but it definitely provides some needed warmth and comfort when we are not feeling well.
We usually have some type of cough syrup & Advil on hand.
I use oregano oil, netti pot, tea and soup
Hot toddy is a common one around here, knocks you out so you can sleep!!
I sip on a hot lemon drink with honey to relieve my sore throat and coughing.
I usually will make a tea with honey and lemon.
I always take garlic pills when i feel a cold coming on
It depends on my symptoms, but I find tea with honey and lemon to be soothing. If I’m really sick I usually take benylin all-in-one daytime. It usually does the trick.
lemon and honey tea
Honey in hot water for sore throats!
I do enjoy putting my head over a bowl of hot water when my head is all stuffy – particularly when I add some nice essential oils.
I drink warm water and sometimes add honey
hot buttered rum for the grown ups….maybe it helps us sweat it out….also ginger root tea, or chamomile tea…..plus I take garlic capsules year round.
I make a hot drink with lemons, honey, and ginger.
We have a hive of bees and we find the honey is a natural boost to our immunity helping to keep healthy
I drink a lot of water, eat soup, and rest.
Making sure everyone washes their hands throughout the day
I swear by elderberry syrup for my kids! We give it daily throughout cold & flu season and have seen a drastic decrease in illnesses (and the illnesses they do get are shorter).
Homemade turkey soup helps.
I usually take a couple of Cold FX pills
Salt water lots of rest and vitamin c
I take mega doses of chewable Vitamin C if I think I have a cold coming on.
I drink a lot of hot tea and gargle with salt.
I use extra pillows to sleep in a more upright position to relieve congestion when I’m stuffy
My home remedy is a hot toddy – tea, sugar, honey, lemon and brandy. Works great!
Spiced up! I need to try lol!
I use a netty pot before anything else.
tea with honey & lemon gives me some relief
Vicks rub on the chest !
i use eucalyptus and tea tree oil
My home remedy is honey for a sore throat.
Steaming sinuses either by filling a sink or a flat bottomed container with hot water add a couple drops of eucalyptus oil. Tent a towel over head and container and breath in till cool. For a sore throat Hot lemon or tea with lots of lemon. To help sleep Creamed honey in hot milk with a touch of cinnamon or lemon is a family favorite.
Great tips! I will definitely try the sleep tip. Thanks for sharing!
My home remedy is lots of rest and fluids.
a nice cup of tea
Lots of tea with honey!
Tea with honey, good for the throat and kills some of those bacteria too.
Hot tea and hot soup is what I use when I’m sick
When I have a cold or flu I usually rest alot and drink lots especially lemon tea. I apply heat to any aching joints.
Hot lemonade and/or chicken soup.
Tea with honey.
I eat chicken soup.
I just drink a lot of water and stay in bed.
I like lemon and chamomile tea
We usually do a shot of ginger
Peppermint tea makes my throat feel better.
Chicken noodle soup
I make ginger, honey and lemon tea, using real ginger root.
Honey and lemon in a hot tea help when we have sore throats.
For cold and flu season we go to clinic for the flu shot.
Warm tea, chicken noodle soup and rest!
I usually drink lots of fluids, have soup and pile on the blankets when I have a cold or flu.
Extra Vitamin D!
The home remedies for cold and flu symptoms I use are lots of Vitamin C and good old chicken soup.
no home remedies for me, if my eyes start itching or my throat I grab my bottle of vit C & D chewables and munch those like they’re candy
I like to make hot water and have a few slices of lemon and honey it in to soothe sore throats.
Lots of vitamin C, tea, soup and halls is what I use when I am sick or feeling under the weather.
Lots of rest, fluids, chicken soup, tea with honey and TLC!
I drink lots of tea . The cold911 tea is a lifesaver !
I love David’s Tea cold 911! It’s amazing to clear my sinuses!
lemon tea and chicken soup.
My favourite home remedy is lemonade with honey and garlic.
I drink lots of orange juice,always wash my hands and try to get lots of rest!
Vicks vapor rub on the bottoms of your feet!!!! Works wonders
The only home flu remedy we use is to drink lots of fluids and to drink hot water with lemon in it to soothe the throat.
neo citrin , salt water nasal rinse , chicken noodle soup
I like to use a nasal rinse, chicken noodle soup, orange juice, steamy hot shower or Epsom salt bath, and gargling salt water.
I use a sinus rinse with water, salt and baking soda to help relieve symptoms of a congested, stuffy nose as well as sinus pain.
I guess get plenty of rest…once you ahve a soar throat its salt water rinse
I drink tea with honey
I try to keep my hands washed, covering my mouth and nose when coughing/sneezing.. When sick I eat lots of chicken noodle soup and gingerale and sleep (lots of rest!)
We use honey lemon tea and saline spray.
we use nasal suction and sprays
Honey lemon tea & chicken soup!
i make homemade chicken soup with lots of Garlic..try to get lots of rest and drink lots of fluids.
I try to get outside from some fresh air, bundled up of course! Even better I try to get to the beach for some salty air.
I make chicken noodle soup and use vicks
we believe in peppermint tea and maybe some honey
I drink lots of lemon ginger tea with honey.
Tea and lots of sleep
We drink a lot of tea with honey and we love hot showers to decongest.
homemade soup is great when sick
I drink lots of tea with honey when I have a cold.
My best home remedies to help get over the flu and cold are to drink lots of lemon infused water or hot tea with lemon and honey.I like to use a thermometer to see how high the temperature is getting and I also like to use a vaporizer in the room with Vick’s in it.Aspirin, a warm blanket and some chicken soup is also on my list to get well.
Benadryl. It knocks me out cold for a while and clears up the stuffed nose.
For a sore throat or cough, I’m a fan of gargling with warm salt water.
I like to drink herbal tea.
For a sore throat i gargle salr water
I grew up with Vick Vaporub – it’s the best for everything!
I use hot water and honey when I have a bad cold.
I put Vicks on my chest.
Whenever I am sick with a cold my go to is hot lemon water and I send out my husband for Pho! It always makes me feel better…for a tiny bit at least.
We usually have some type of cough syrup, Tylenol orAdvil on hand.
Good old home made chicken soup! Clears those sinuses and makes me feel better every time.
I love sipping on chicken broth or wonton soup!
I have a hot cup of honey water when my throat is really sore.
vicks vaporub and a TONNE of orange juice!
Lots of fluids, chicken noodle soup and vitamin C
I just make sure to wash my hands a lot so I don’t get sick.. And lots of vitamin D + C!
I always use ice for a sore throat.
I take extra vitamins and I drink a lot of ginger, lemon and honey tea
I like to use hot water and honey for a sore throat.
Chicken soup!
I drink honey and lemon tea
I use a mustard plaster for my chest to loosen chest congestion
i stay away from outsiders lol I really dont do anything and I havent been sick