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Nursery Decor Tips for Safety

Decorating for your little beans’ arrival is an incredibly fun and exciting project. It’s easy to get carried away in all the glee and excitement and purchase everything in sight; from blankies, to wall decals, to furniture, to teddy bears. Everything seems too cute to pass up and too perfect that before you know it, the crib is overflowing with toys, and the floor is littered with so many assembly instructions its enough to make your head spin! In my three part series on nursery decor tips for safety, development, and style, I will help keep you on track with buying the best items that will look fabulous, be safe, and help with the healthy development of your little one.

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Nursery Decor – Photo credit: ex.libris / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND

Nursery Decor Tips For Safety

1) Preventing Suffocation

Blankets, pillows, bumper pads, and toys of any kind should never be used in a crib. Using these items has the potential to increase the risk of suffocation or of a baby getting tangled in them. A well fitted crib sheet is sufficient and should be the only item in your baby’s crib. It is also better to err on the side of caution and not use sleep positioners-even those that claim to reduce the risk of SIDS, as there is no actual evidence they do what they claim, and some babies have actually suffocated while using them.

Dressing your baby in a cozy fitted onesie will be just fine and they will be plenty warm without adding the risk of blankets.

2) Room Comfort

Installing a reversible ceiling fan to cool and circulate the air is a great choice to ensure your little one does not overheat. One study found that using a ceiling fan reduced the risk of SIDS by a whopping 72%! You can find some ultra-cute nursery theme ceiling fans.

3) Window Coverings

Heat reflecting UV blocking window treatments are another great choice for keeping baby comfortable and safe. My all-time favourite window treatments for nurseries are cordless blackout roller shades, which come in many gorgeous baby colours and cute patterns. They totally darken the room, look great, and carry the added safety and comfort feature of blocking out heat and having no cords which nix the risk of strangulation completely.

4) Furniture

When furnishing a nursery I never recommend anyone buy second hand or use hand me down furniture. Believe me-when it comes to saving money I’m the first person to get in line, but for this situation I would never risk it. Purchasing brand new furniture, from cribs to change tables, is the best way to ensure these items are up to code and companies are following proper safety procedures.

5) Crib mobiles

Using a crib mobiles is a debate that many people would argue for or against. I like using mobiles for one very good reason- It can aid in babies healthy eyesight development. We will discuss more about that next week. Hey! You didn’t think I was gonna give it all away now did you? 😉

If you DO decide to use a mobile there are some important guidelines to follow; Strings should not exceed 7 inches, a mobile should only be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and they should be removed the moment your baby can turn over, and\or starts to pull up, and\or can sit up.

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Nursery Decor Tips For Safety, Development, and Style

Finally, make sure you register all your purchased baby items with the manufacturers as they will keep you up to date on any recalls or warnings that may come into effect.

Join me next week for Part Two of this series where we will discuss tips for Decorating For Baby’s Healthy Development.

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  1. You’ve got great advice and tips. Decorating the bedroom is really fun but I think it’s important to also choose stuff that will grow with them so you don’t have to spend more money


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